Top Dog Training Courses Available Online

Dear dog lovers, we are back with a huge list of justifications to look into taking a dog training class via the Internet over joining a traditional in-person course. We understand that you have a hassle routine. So it is possible that your hectic schedule doesn't provide you enough time to make it out to a training institution once a week.

Don’t worry, there are many excellent training programs that you and your pet dog can enjoy without having to leave the comfort of your own living room.

In today’s post, we have made a detailed list of what we believe to be the top online dog training courses available for various ages, breeds, and personalities. These courses can be found in the form of in-depth video series or live lessons that are performed via Zoom.

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Photo Credit: Michelle_Raponi/Pixabay

1-Petco Courses (Budget Friendly)

It's possible that you are already familiar with Petco as a well-known retailer of pet goods. Do you know about their exceptional training services? The majority of the chain's classes are held in-store has significantly increased the number of options available to customers through its online platform, many of which fall into a pricing range that is more reasonable.

At this time, Petco offers three different Zoom-led group lessons, each of which costs approximately $129 for a total of four sessions. In the Puppy Basics session, essential skills such as going potty and coming when called are covered. In the Adult Basics program, you can learn how to reinforce positive behaviors and help your dog get used to meeting new people and being in unfamiliar surroundings. Another more advanced training will assist you in addressing specific behaviors while teaching cues such as "leave it."

2-Dogmantics (Best Membership Option)

Emily Larlham, a personal trainer located in San Diego, is most known for her famous YouTube channel Kikopup. This platform provides a lot of free videos related to personal training. We suggest you all the membership program that is on the web page of her training company. It's Dogmantics. It provides more comprehensive and exclusive content than short clips.

Each membership level provides users with different videos uploaded weekly that address puppy training topics such as manners for puppies, tricks, and developing your dog's attention. In addition to that, she now provides a stand-alone class that focuses on the development of leash-walking abilities. The short clips that Larlham creates use a sort of positive training that she calls constant reinforcement. This form of training involves tactics that are kind to dogs and do not include physically or psychologically scaring them in any way.

Her membership packages cost anywhere from $29 to $49. Moreover, she provides several free clips and written information, as well as content in seven different languages. You definitely give her a try!

3-SIRIUS Dog Training Course (All-Rounder)

Dr Ian Dunbar, in our opinion, is the most influential figure in the field of dog training. He came up with the idea for the SIRIUS puppy project in 1982. Today, you can take advantage of his forward-thinking training methods by enrolling in the practical online courses made available through SIRIUS Puppy and Dog Training.

SIRIUS offers a live virtual classroom model that makes use of Zoom, as opposed to online classes that are based on collections of previously recorded footage. The class sizes are kept private, and each one is led by a qualified instructor. The following courses are currently available to take online: Puppy Kindergarten I and Puppy Kindergarten II.

Online classes offered by SIRIUS begin at approximately $200 and include five sessions held each week. The duration of each group of classes is around half an hour, and participants may easily examine the current class schedule and join up for the course online.

4-Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution (Finest Visual Series)

Do you know Zak George? He is one of the most well-known dog trainers who publish content on the internet. He has a popular free videos YouTube channel that has gained millions of views. This has helped him become the most subscribed trainer on the platform. Even though his training videos don't follow the structure of a typical course, the large number of films means that practically every subject is covered. This includes anything from teaching a puppy how to walk on a leash to teaching advanced skills and tricks.


If you want to arrange your training using George's films, his YouTube channel provides playlists that organize his clips into step-by-step routines focusing on pups, catch games, and other instruction focuses.

On A Shorter Note

Online training courses are ideal for pet parents who have a hectic schedule and find it difficult to commit to attending a weekly lesson with their dog. There are many dog training programs available online. They all provide you to train your pet at your own home. Now, you can train your dog even if you have a demanding job or a large family.

You must choose an instructor that provides individual training with genuine professionalism. He can guide you through the many stages of your dog's life. This is important if you want more one-on-one instruction for you and your dog.

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