Tibetan Mastiff vs Caucasian Mountain Dog?

Vicente B: Tibetan mastiff vs. Caucasian mountain dog?
I disagree strongly with dog fighting but if by any chance in a dog exposition or somewhere else were a Tibetan mastiff to take on a CO which dog would win before being separated???

Answers and Views:

Answer by Nancy U
Why are you asking this, if you "disagree strongly with dog fighting"?

tibetan mastiff dogtibetan mastiff dog
Photo Credit: Petful.com/Flickr CC

Answer by Ricko
A bunch of wimps! He just wanted to know which one of the two was the strongest or more dominant than the other. When you are looking for a dog, depending on the purpose you want to have the best fit for the task like a hound, or a shepherd, or a chihuahua. If you want a guard dog, you want the toughest! So stop bitching! And if you know the answer just answer it!

From my point of view, the Caucasian Mountain Shepherd is stronger and more dominant. This breed was actually created by scientists and breeders from the government of the Soviet Union to create a military guard type of dog. This is like the Tibetan Mastiff on steroids.

Answer by Wil
OK, I'm going to put my 2 cents in against the people who mindlessly focus on the ills of dog fighting. I think dog fighting is pure evil, but I don't immediately jump to the conclusion that the poster wants to start dog fights. He's asking which dog is probably tougher in a fight, which is a fair question for a guardian breed. I've looked up bite forces of various breeds, not because I want to get one and have it bite someone, but because I was just curious about it. I would love to have either of these dog breeds, but at present, I have other dogs and don't want to risk a conflict. Even if I do eventually get one, my dogs are for companionship, and my 44 Mag is for protection.

Answer by Rheddtx
People, a guard dog is a top defender, he lives to protect. Which means he has to fight! If you had a guard dog and a vicious dog was about to attack you, and your dog jumped in a fought off the other dog, you would have a change of heart! It's not dog fighting when you want your "Guard Dog" to win while protecting you, your property, or himself.

Answer by jimmy
Well, let me tell you this even considering such a thing is not the mark of someone who strongly disagrees with dog fighting. However, those two breeds are quite capable of severely injuring each other and hopefully ripping the person who started it as they tried to get them apart!

Answer by jaren
idk but anyone who said you don't disagree strongly with dog fighting is wrong Sometimes ppl ask these questions simply to get the dominant breed in my opinion caucasian shepherd I am a dog lover and anti-dogfighter.

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