Difference Between an English Pointer and a GSH Pointer?

Jen L: What's the difference between an English Pointer and a GSH Pointer?
What's the difference between an English Pointer and a German Shorthaired Pointer? I'm just wondering. Is one rarer than the other in the US? or in general?
I have an English pointer lab mix. I'm just wondering if they're two different breeds or what.  I mean personality-wise are they different at all? Thanks.

Answers and Views:

Answer by CC
They are 2 different breeds....according to the Mini-Atlas of Dog Breeds the GSH is considered a Schweisshund and is likely from a cross between the Spanish Pointer, English Foxhounds, and a variety of German Scenthounds. He is from 23 - 25 inches high, and 55 - 70 pounds. Their lineage is more difficult to trace.

The desired color (but not the only colors) is solid liver or liver and white - with or without ticking. They are water dogs and have webbed feet. The picture I'm looking at shows a dog with a long pointed tail, curled under and not docked.

german shorthaired pointer naturegerman shorthaired pointer nature
German Shorthaired Pointer

Photo Credit: haroldmeerveld/Flickr CC

The English Pointer is also believed to be of "Spanish Extraction," but bred into a lighter and more graceful dog than the Spanish Pointer. They are known to be exceptional gundogs and are from 22 - 27 inches high, and 42 - 67 pounds. He is generally more muscular and has a desire to hunt and an exceptional nose. Their lineage goes back to the 1700s in Great Britain. Their colors are tan (lemon) and white, orange and white, liver and white, and black and white. Self and tri-colors occur and are accepted. The tail here is shown to be about 4-5 inches and docked.

Since you brought it up...let me quote the book on what you refer to as "personality," -- they refer to as Character:

GSP - "Efficient and no-nonsense, like his taut coat, the Shorthair is an unbeatable field dog, with a subtle nose and the ability to work on water or land. As a companion, he is keen and easily trained in addition to being affectionate and approachable."

English Pointer - "Pointers are celebrated for their even and kind dispositions. The breed's bearing is decidedly aristocratic. In intelligence and trainability, he and owners simultaneously stick their noses way out to point he is second to none."

Both are recognized by FCI, AKC, UKC, KCGB, CKC, and ANKC.

Answer by just an opinion
Yes, they are definitely two separate breeds. In addition to a size difference (Shorthaired's are 23-25" for dogs, 21-23" for bitches, English are 25-28" for dogs, 23-26" for bitches), there are numerous physical differences. English Pointers have much more prominent eyebrows and a more square head profile, while the German Shorthaired has a smoother face.

English Pointers can be liver, lemon, black, orange; either in combination with white or solid-colored. German Shorthaired Pointers can only be solid liver or a combination of liver and white such as liver and white ticked, liver patched and white ticked, or liver roan. Any other color combinations are not allowed. Also, English Pointers have long tails, while those of the German Shorthaired are docked to about 40% of their length.

I'm not sure about the rest of the world, but in my experience in the U.S. at dog shows the German Shorthaired's are much more common than the English Pointers. Hope this helps!
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