Best Test to tell if your Pit Bull is Purebred?

Q: What is the best test to tell if your dog is a purebred pit bull? Is there a bloodline test to see if your pit bull is full-blooded?

Answers and Views:

Answer by freakychic9168
DNA testing is the best way to find out for sure you can learn more about that by calling American Dog Breeders Association (801) 936-7513, visiting the ADBA website and e-mailing them or writing them by mail ADBA p.o. box 1771 Salt Lake City, UT 84110.

They'll help get you in the right direction for DNA profiling it will probably cost you around 100 bucks.

Pit Bull head covered with kissesPit Bull head covered with kisses
Photo Credit: Beverly & Pack/Flickr CC

Answer by bassetnut
You bought him from a reputable breeder and you have the registration papers and pedigree.
That's the best test.

Answer by Issa
Give your dog a red ball to play with, if it tears it to pieces and looks like it is out of control in a rage it's probably a Pit Bull. It will not be purebred though as Pitbulls are just mongrels bred to be as vicious as possible.

There is a reason these dogs have been banned and destroyed in most of the civilized countries of the world and I look forward to the day the US follows suit. Don't try and tell me how they are" so sweet and misunderstood" when all the evidence says otherwise.

Answer by Miguel in reply to Issa
You're so ignorant, your research is wrong. Pit bulls are one of the best dogs and are sweet, great around kids to destroy them is cruel I'm in the USA but ain’t nobody taking my pits away. Dealing with pits for 30 years, never a problem out of one. Any dog can be made to fight not just pit bulls. Quit being scared I would die before anyone would take my pits.

Answer by rg0226 in reply to Issa
You make very ignorant comments about a breed you have no clue about. I own a purebred American Pit Bull Terrier and she is very loving, gentle, and loyal. I have seen dogs that are much smaller, that are more violent or aggressive than her.

If you started hearing about all the kids bitten by Chihuahuas or Cairn Terriers, you probably would think they were vicious as well. But, you won't because a baby's face getting bitten up by Pomeranian isn't newsworthy. Dogs are like mirrors. They are a reflection of their owners. Think about that before you write off a breed.

Answer by D Miller
People are so ignorant. I own 2 full-blooded pitbulls myself, one female and one male. Anyone she comes in contact with, she will lay on her back waiting for a belly rub! Not mean bone in her body- now don't get me wrong, when it comes to the family and protecting her home, I'm sure the instinct will come out to protect; but that is with any dog.

My male is Blue Gotti Bloodline. Though he looks big and mean, he is super gentle and sweet. I've come across chihuahua's that were more aggressive than any pits I've met.

Its the owner, not the dog that makes them mean!

Answer by UGH
I have a pitbull named Scout. He's black with a white patch on his chest & on the tips of his feet. He's my very best friend in the world. He's so gentle & loving. He has a deep bark that sounds threatening to people who may not know him, which would make him an outstanding guard dog IF he didn't lick every living soul to death that he came near, stranger or not!

He loves to play with ropes & tennis balls, sit pretty for treats, & snuggle up with me & my boyfriend in bed at night (even tho he knows he isn't supposed to be on furniture!) He is SO loyal that I cannot even take a shower without him laying right there on the bathroom rug. He gets along PERFECTLY with my Catahoula/golden retriever mix & has NEVER had any problems with other dogs & he's not even neutered.

With that being said, the only EVIDENCE that my pit bull is purebred is Scout, & he leads me to believe that pit bulls ARE sweet & misunderstood. they're like children — product's of their raising. & if anyone tried to destroy MY DOG, they'd have to destroy me first, & I don't see that happening.
Some people look forward to the day the US destroys pit bulls, & I look forward to the day they realize how wrong they are. It would be like a doggie holocaust, destroying a certain race (breed) because of misconceptions!
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