The Surprising Benefits of Owning a Dog

A dog can significantly aid your life and well-being, from being a companion to easing stress. Even the perceived negative aspects, such as being an influence on your time and needing you to go on walks, are beneficial.

In this article, we'll explore the various benefits you may not have realized of owning a dog.

happy corgy dog on the railshappy corgy dog on the rails
Photo Credit: huoadg5888/Pixabay

A Companion, Always Waiting

Having a dog means you'll always have a companion who's with you through your best and worst days. Knowing there's a furry friend to go home to after a long day of work can significantly boost your morale.

Dogs are also recognized as an option for an emotional support animal. However, not all dogs can be taken anywhere as a support animal. First, you need to go through the procedures and get your pet an ESA letter to recognize their position officially. Support animals are typically recognized as an option for treating anxiety and helping to cope with mental health issues like PTSD.

For anyone feeling especially alone, the best dogs for families offer unconditional love and companionship. It's this unconditional love that helps stave off the effect of isolation. Additionally, they’re willing to wait for you and your attention. This need gives you the sense of being relied upon, allowing you to feel as though you're taking care of another living creature, which you are.

Get Up and Take a Walk

Dogs can require significant effort, especially the more active breeds such as Labrador Retrievers or Border Collies. Larger and more active dogs such as these will require you to take them on a walk frequently. The distance may vary, but you'll still have to get up off the couch. Depending on your dog, you may be dragged along by the leash, thanks to their eagerness. More active dog owners may decide to jog or run with their companion beside them.

Walking every day or even every other day has several health benefits. The benefits include reduced stroke and heart disease risk, stronger bones, and reduced body fat. As such, taking a walk with your dog every few days can have a significant impact on your physical health. Playing is another activity aside from walking that has comparable benefits.

Take the time to plan your route for walking your dog. Having a planned route makes it easy to form a routine and make the walk a proper habit. The activity will benefit both you and your pet, working off extra energy and allowing your dog to take in the sights and smells of the outside world.

Photo Credit: schroederhund/Pixabay

Dogs Make You More Appealing

Dogs can alter other people's perception of you in social situations. Having a dog at your side will positively alter how people perceive you. While it's a common trope in cinema, having a dog on your leash while running errands or other tasks will generally let people see you in a new light.

Perhaps it's simply related to the focus being shifted to the dog instead of you, but their presence certainly helps. This effect is only compounded when looking at other benefits, such as walking your dog. It often gives a chance for people to see the two of you together.

Pets Foster Mindfulness

Certain responsibilities can sometimes feel like a chore. The task of caring for a dog requires you to feed it, ensure your pet always has water, and let them go outside to use the bathroom. These may be activities unrelated to your regular routine if you live alone. However, they offer a great way to make you more aware of your surroundings.

Additionally, you can't entirely plan a routine around your dog. Even though you can plan walks and dinner time, your dog is spontaneous. Play and other needs will happen regardless of your schedule, causing you to need to break from your routine, an option that encourages you to live in the moment, which can be beneficial.

Good for Your Heart

Owning a dog is shown to be good for your health overall, but especially for the health of your heart. Aside from going on walks, owning a pet can help prevent cardiovascular disease. Additionally, as dogs are great for stress relief, owning one can provide a minor benefit to anyone suffering from chronic high blood pressure.

Moreover, dogs are known to aid other illnesses and conditions. It's one of the reasons they're an optimal choice for guiding someone who is blind. Dogs can also be trained to protect their owner from seizures and detect when they are about to occur.

Stress-Free Petting

Research has shown many positive things regarding dogs. Another one is the impact that occurs when you pet them. Petting a dog lowers your cortisol levels, the stress hormone. The process comes easily, as most dogs are happy to receive the attention just as much as you are to give it.

In addition, there's a boost in oxytocin, the bonding hormone, whenever you interact with your dog. This is one of the many reasons dogs are suitable emotional support animals, offering comfort from petting alone.

While petting, inspect your dog for any signs of pain or other issues, such as fleas. Treating fleas as soon as they appear can spare your furry friend from discomfort and serious health problems. Regular petting sessions enhance your bond with your companion and maintain their health and happiness.

A Best Friend and Companion

Having a dog ensures companionship and a partner for life. Even without the many benefits, a pet provides a fun and meaningful addition to your daily life. Spend time with your dog today and discover even more benefits you may not have realized yet.

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