Stop Dog Bites by Russian Dog Wizard

These tips will help you establish yourself as a pack leader, in a positive way, over your aggressive dog:

  • Don’t play games such as tug-of-war unless you always win. This game is initiating a physical contest and the Alpha must always win.
  • Don’t let your dog keep the toy when you are playing; they need to learn to release and drop the toy. Toys belong to you (the Alpha) not to your dog.
  • Don’t let your dog show its teeth, touch its teeth on your skin, or growl during play. If they do, stop playing and take the toy away.
  • Don’t play catch or chase games with toys that will be hard to take out of your dog’s mouth. As the Alpha, you cannot risk the possibility of not being able to take possession of a toy that belongs to you.
  • Don’t let your dog demand attention. The Alpha chooses when and how often their pack members are touched and groomed. So ignore your dog when they are demanding attention or simply give the “down” command.

stop dog bitingstop dog biting

  • Don’t feed your dog before you eat. Alpha always eats first. So eat first and then feed your dog and don’t give them table scraps while you eat.
  • Don’t leave your dog on the sofa and bed. A higher ranking dog always chooses the best sleeping area and it’s usually higher than all other pack members.
  • Don’t let your dog go through narrow spaces such as doorways first. Make sure you, the pack leader, have this privilege.
  • Don’t let your dog have free range of your entire house. Claim a room as yours. This room/territory is yours unless you invite the dog in.
  • Don’t let your dog block your path. If your dog is lying in the way or blocking your path gently tell them to move.
  • Don’t let your dog put its paws on you and elevate themselves. A higher-ranking member will always try to raise their body above a lower-ranking member.
  • Don’t be inconsistent. Dogs are always looking for signs of weakness to show their strength.
  • Don’t limit these rules to one location. Make sure whether you are inside, outside, or over a friend's house, that your dog knows its boundaries.
  • Don’t let family members sabotage your hard work. Every member of the family needs to follow these rules so that your dog knows it is the lowest member of the pack.

About the author

Vladae Roytapel, known as “The Russian Dog Wizard,” is the owner of SoCal Dog Training - one of the most successful dog training companies in the world. He has worked for various organizations including Leader Dogs for the Blind, the Red Army, and the Soviet KGB. Vladae has been seen on CNN, CBS’s Late Show, and countless morning shows on ABC, NBC, & FOX stations across America.

Especially for the Russian Dog website.

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