Sighthounds for Lure Coursing?

New to Sighthounds: Lure Coursing and Sighthounds?
So I've always loved Lure Coursing great to watch, and right now my life is open to getting a new dog, and I want a Sighthound, I love the Borzoi, but they are very expensive and rare, so what breed should I get? Greyhound? Whippet? Which of the Sighthound breeds is less independent and more affectionate?
Oh, and how do I get into Lure Coursing? Join a club or something?, btw I live in Michigan
I will rescue a retired racing dog
I've seen Borzoi cost like around $ 2000, while Greyhounds in the $ 800-$ 1000 range

Borzoi sighthound photoBorzoi sighthound photo
Photo Credit: ROVER_JP/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Jacob B
Ill star it for that sighthound kid

Answer by Sighthounds
I am a HUGE sighthound fan!!!! Borzoi cost the same amount as any other sighthound breed and comparatively they are rather common, I love Azawakh and Sloughi, they are rare. But if you'd rather go with another breed, you should go with a Whippet. Greyhounds are great dogs too, they are both very similar, with whippets being more affectionate and greyhounds being more lazy. Whippets by far are less independent and they can be very affectionate.

For lure coursing, go to the website below and search for a lure coursing club in your area. A dog has to be at least 1 year old before it can compete in lure coursing.

You may also want to look into whippet racing, it's not a commercial track, owners enter their dog on a straight track, it's also similar to NOTRA.

KoAussie… Silken Windhounds are not long haired whippet. They look like they are, but they are a combination of several breeds that make up a unique breed of its own. Silken Windhounds are also NOT eligible to compete in lure coursing.

EDIT: Yes some Borzoi will cost $ 2000, but I have also seen some Whippets cost $ 2000, and I have seen Borzoi cost $ 1200, it depends on the breeder, the size of the litter, and the quality of the dog (as in pet quality, show quality, or breeding quality.)

Answer by RuthAnn
Great idea to rescue a greyhound. A friend of mine did that and the dog is wonderful. She has a dignified but playful personality. I am glad U gave your location, because I can tell U that there is a lure coursing club in Ohio near Dayton, which would not be too far for U to visit. It is located in Kettering Ohio on Vandallia Rd, (Not sure on spelling — but close enough that U should be able to find this place — I think near an airport.) Try to look them up on Internet to see if they still exist. I went there many years ago to do a story on lure coursing, and ended up going back there with my dogs that I ran in dog sled races. There is a slight fee for running your dogs as it helps pay for the car batteries that they use to power the lures across the fields. They were a great bunch of people then. Could be a whole new set of faces by now. I'm sure there are other clubs. This is just one that I happened to visit a few times. I agree with U that the Borzoi is very attractive breed. But I would feel better about rescuing a race track dog, or if I had to buy a pup maybe a whippet. They are neat and clean and of course would fit right into a household because of small size.

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