Can a Badly Bred Siberian Husky have Registration Papers?

New Husky Mum: A Siberian Husky dog with papers, does it mean Quality?
Can a badly bred Siberian Husky dog have papers? Who should be on the papers when printed AKC or CKC (Continental)? What should I be looking for in the papers?
Trying to gather info on papers before I buy a Sibe pup. Thanks for your help.

siberian husky puppy lying on the ground siberian husky puppy lying on the ground
Photo Credit: Jeffrey Beall/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Basset is BACK!
Yes, a badly bred dog can have AKC papers. All the papers mean is that both the parents were registered, it doesn't mean they were breeding quality.
If you want a good quality dog, go through the Siberian Husky Club of America

Answer by miaugh
Avoid Continental KC- the "papers" aren't even good enough for toilet paper. Being papered with a kennel club only means the dog has registered purebred parents, but that does not in any way *always* mean quality. Even puppy millers can get AKC papers for their puppies.

Answer by abbyful_j
Papers don't guarantee quality. All they mean is that the dog is purebred and both its parents were registered with the registry.
AKC is a legitimate registry.
CKC (Continental Kennel Club) is a scam registry.
While papers don't guarantee the quality, the absence of papers from a reputable registry (like the AKC) is a huge red-flag that the breeder is a bad breeder. All reputable breeders will have their dogs registered.

Answer by SG Brittanys
Papers simply mean that the parents and litter have been registered with a kennel club, say the American Kennel Club (CKC is hardly a registry; if the breeder is only registered with the CKC, walk away). Papers do NOT equal quality. For example, all of our dogs are registered with the AKC, and 3 of them are champions, meaning that they have been shown and have been awarded with the championship title, acknowledging the fact that they are an excellent example of their breed.

A dog can be registered and have never stepped into the show ring in its life, never had any health tests done, and simply slapped together with another dog to make some cute puppies. You should ask the breeder about health tests done on the parents, what shows they have been in and what awards or titles they hold, etc. Papers do NOT equal quality, though they are a small step in the right direction.

Answer by Golden patrol[e.c.c]
well before when breeding used to be an honest practice, when people actually bred to better the breed itself, papers meant a lot. now you have these idiots breeding teacup pieces of sh*t that the kennel clubs still accept. the clubs have truly ruined many breeds mostly the toy ones. and any dog can be badly horribly milled or backyard bred even though still accepted by the AKC or CKC. all the papers really mean is that the dog's parents were purebred.

Answer by Jennifer T
No, no papers ever prove quality. However, there is NO chance of getting a decent pup from a ConKC registered litter. They will register anything and everything if the check or plastic clears. With the AKC, at least it will only register dogs that have been purebred and registered for many generations.

What you really need to look for is a breeder who has papers proving the pup's parents were tested by reliable organizations like OFA, CERF, VetGen, and others that prove the parents have no genetic faults to pass on to pups. Look for a pedigree that has many champions in the first three lines from the left to right. Champions that are further away from the pup than great grandparents contribute little to the pup itself. The parents should be being shown or worked to prove quality.

The other paper to look at is the breeder's contract. It should say that they will take the pup back at any time for any reason, and it should insist you spay/neuter your pup unless you are showing it. You should also have to have your home checked out by the breeder if the breeder is at all reputable.

These are hallmarks of a responsible breeder, and the best pups come from them.
And papers NEVER mean quality, quality status comes from the show ring and subsequent winnings!!!!
A badly bred dog can have papers, easily!!! Pet quality bred with pet quality can make some pretty badly bred pups!!!
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