Should I Switch from Blue Buffalo to Merrick Dog Food?

Inge: Blue Buffalo vs. Merrick?
I'm thinking about switching our dogs' food to Merrick from Blue Buffalo.
I'm just wondering your opinions if Merrick is better food than Blue? And if you've used it and if your dogs like it...just for everything about it.
puppy has played with dry dog food on the floorpuppy has played with dry dog food on the floor
Photo Credit: BuzzFarmers/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Koda *Life's a Beach*
I've used Blue Buffalo before and have researched Merrick before, from what I have read in both foods ingredient lists is there practically the same thing, if the dogs are doing well on Blue Buffalo than why switch them?

To be quite honest even though the ingredients are the same I would much rather use Merrick than Blue Buffalo, all 5 of my dogs did absolutely terrible on Blue and were so sickly, when I contacted the company they did absolutely nothing to help me (I even asked them to contact my vet since it seemed they didn't believe me) in the end they requested I send in 2 cups of food for analysis and than they would contact me with the results, a year later and I'm still waiting. They're a rude company with pushy, rude sales reps that don't deserve my hard-earned money.

Answer by Karen
I used to feed Blue Buffalo Wilderness. The last bag I got smelled strong to me (chemically odor) and after a couple of days eating it, all 5 of my dogs had diarrhea and refused to eat it. I finally switched to Merrick Lil’ Plates for Seniors. My girls love it. Their tummy troubles are over and they gobble it up. Not sure what was going on with the BB.

Answer by Julie D.
I have fed Merrick to my dogs in the past. You don't need puppy food even though Merrick does have one. Merrick has a ton of All Life Stage foods to choose from, and I use to feed my dogs all of them. Every time I bought a new bag, I'd switch up the formulas and my dogs never had a problem with the changes. I don't feed Merrick now because I acquired a dog that doesn't tolerate ANY grains well, so now I feed both of my dogs Taste of the wild instead of buying two foods.

Answer by Peere
Comparing Merrick vs Taste of the Wild I prefer Taste of the Wild too. I think my dogs eat it better and my Senior looks great and carries his tail happily

Answer by BYBs and Crazies rule DS
Puppy food isn't necessary. A good all stages food that fits the needs of the pup is all you need. Natural Balance all stages is good all-purpose food.
Blue and Merrick are both good quality foods. Personally, I've never had success with Blue and can't stand the people that work for them, but what works for your dog is what works for your dog.

Answer by Nekkid Truth!
I personally like Merrick's better than blue buffalo. However no one in my area carries it, I had to have it special ordered or go out of my way to get it. The feed store that could order it was not very good on getting shipments in when I ordered it.

I ended up going with the taste of the wild. there are at least 2 stores in my town that sell it. I've tried a few other brands sold locally. Sometimes I'll put my dog on a raw diet for a while, but when he's on kibble, TOTW seems to work best for him.

It may take a little trial and error to figure out which brand works best for your dogs. You can contact most dog food companies and they will send free samples, so you can see if your dog likes the brand. But it will take using the brand for a few weeks or more to see if you like the results it gives. You can always switch back or try another brand if you're not happy with it.

Just because something has a 6-star rating tho, does not mean its what will necessarily be best for your dog. Look up some brands that you know you can easily obtain locally.
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