Cheater_not: Rottweiler vs Anatolian shepherd vs Doberman?
I like the Rottweiler, Anatolian shepherd, and Doberman but I can only have one. Could anyone tell me their strengths and weaknesses?
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Answer by John
I have 2 Anatolian Shepherds. Beautiful dogs with a sense of humor. Love children if raised with them. They require a strong hand and a good sense of humor and continuous training until adulthood at 2 years of age... They love snow country, other animals, (ours love the cats!) and are good citizens inside the home. Easily trained to pull sleds. They tend to roam if they have an accomplice. Not big eaters for their size.
Photo Credit: Kjunstorm/Flickr CC
Answer by CGC Pit Bull
They ALL have strengths. They are all very strong, powerful breeds not for the inexperienced.
Rotties and Dobies are easily found in rescues and shelters.
Answer by Dee
doberman is da best breed out ov all ov them, they r loving animals, elegant yet muscular, quick and powerful dog. A Dobermans is always aware of his surroundings. He is on guard and on duty at all times. He doesn't miss a thing and is responsive and will check out anything that alerts him to possible danger to his family. The Doberman standing alertly---staring at the danger---ears held totally up and eyes focused on the threat. A Doberman likes to be physically close to its family members. alert, loyal, loving, and has a watchful temperament. He is naturally protective of those he loves and uses his keen intelligence to weigh various situations.
rottweilers---- This is a physically strong breed that will leap to the defense of the ones they love. Behavior problems can range from simple, such as house training, excessive activity level, digging, cat and dog aggression, to serious, such as human or stranger aggression. Serious human or stranger aggression can be caused by their guarding tendencies, lack of socialization, abuse, or bad breeding. Some Rottweilers arrive at shelters because of owner neglect and abuse.
anatolian---The personality of the Anatolian Shepherd is unique as they are guardians of the flock. You as their owner are considered their flock and take pride in protecting you. However, the Anatolian is a stubborn dog with territorial instincts. he Anatolian Shepherd has a lovable nature towards family members although playing is not on the agenda, they do watch and protect the flock, which he considers you and the family. If you take the time to get to know your Anatolian, you will see that the dogs are very good dogs who will lay by you and alert you to any danger. The personality of the dog is superior for a guard dog. (Click for video)
Answer by moof
What one person considers a strength, another may consider a weakness. I don't know you or your lifestyle, so I can't really judge what traits you consider good and which you consider bad. You'll have to judge them for yourself.
All three are powerful dogs that require experienced, calm, consistent, firm, benevolent leaders. They can be quite challenging and must be trained extensively right from the start. They're genuine working dogs who require a huge amount of daily stimulation, both physical and mental.
Rottweilers are typically reserved and solemn, although some can be downright clownish and exuberant. They can be problematic as far as insurance companies are concerned, so you might want to check with your insurance company to see if they accept Rotties. They're usually even-tempered, courageous, loyal dogs. Although their temperament is generally mellow and calm, they require a vast amount of hard exercise every single day.
The Anatolian Shepherd takes its job very seriously, and that job is that of livestock guardian. They tend to be quite territorial, possessive, independent and wary of strangers. They aren't usually very friendly with other dogs, but when probably socialized, they should tolerate them. Although they're hard-working, intelligent dogs, their work drives tend to be low compared to breeds like Rotties, for example; they require lots of exercise, but aren't as keen to work and obey commands because they're more independent thinkers.
Dobermans are usually more energetic and exuberant than Rottweilers or Anatolians, although their guardian instincts are no less. Like the Rottweiler, they're designed to perform; that is, they need to be worked with, preferably through some activity such as, say, Schutzhund. They've been considered one of the most trainable/intelligent breeds, right up there with the German Shepherd and Border Collie.
Answer by Shadow Mentor
I don't know about Anatolian Shepherds, but I have a Doberman and a Rottweiler. My Doberman is high energy, but he has learned to be quiet and calm in the house unless given permission by us to be energetic. Outside he knows he can be energetic unless we tell him to calm down. It's all about training. Rottweilers you REALLY have to focus on socialization because rotties can easily become aggressive without proper socialization. But otherwise, than that, they are one of the sweetest dog breeds i have ever met. Hope i helped :)
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