Should I Get a German Shepherd if I Have a Chihuahua?

blank: Should I get a German Shepherd if I have a Chihuahua? Can they become friends?
I have a Chihuahua named Maya and I want to get a German Shepherd because I have always wanted one. We already have one picked out but I am still thinking about it. I am scared that the German Shepherd when it gets older and bigger will attack Maya. I don't know what to do. Please help.

Answers and Views:

Answer by dmg1969
Any two dogs can get along. I find it best to have one of each sex (fixed of course) to avoid fighting.

Chihuahua and German Shepherd lying on a sofaChihuahua and German Shepherd lying on a sofa
Image by Emer Iglesias from Pixabay

Answer by katjosilverado
First off, check what type of breeding you're getting your GSD from before you buy - that itself is CRUCIAL. There are West German show lines, West German working lines, DDR(East German working), Czech/Slovakian working lines, and American CH lines. The higher the prey drive, the higher the potential for problems later.

The working lines are definitely higher drive and have stronger prey drives, which could lead to problems. This may require some time getting educated in the German Shepherd breed as a whole, which I strongly suggest if you're really wanting to buy a puppy.

My suggestion would be to go with breeding that produces a mild drive (WGR show lines and/or American CH lines). Ask about the litter's parents and their reaction to cats and other small animals (and what kind of bloodlines they have). If the parents are ok with smaller animals, then you have a greater chance of getting a pup who is ok also.

We personally raise our pups with our very docile resident male cat from the time they're born so they learn to love him, not wanna hurt him.

That should help you avoid problems before you buy. Generally, if a puppy is raised with a small dog/animal, they will learn to respect that animal.

Getting the opposite gender of what your Chi is would be wise, too. I would be equally concerned not to allow the Chi to bite/hurt/harass the GSD, either!

Best wishes!

Answer by cisum
if you get the German shepherd as a puppy you should have no problem I was kind of in the same situation I have a toy poodle and I wanted a great Dane but it turned out OK because my great Dane grew up with my other dog they get along just fine just that sometimes my great Dane just doesn't seem to realize how big he is.

Answer by Donna A
The most important thing is for the dogs to have supervised exposure. And a lot of it! Especially for your chihuahua.

I've never had one of those but I do have a 2.8 and 2.9 YorkiePoo and Yorkie. My dogs have been around big dogs since they were puppies (one is only 7 months now). My sister has a chocolate lab who is about a year now. The three of them are fine. The lab needed to learn to be gentle and he did.

However, like I said previously, you need to supervise at all times until the behavior is what you want. Chihuahuas, like my dogs, are very small. They obviously can be hurt easily if unsupervised. The German Shepherd could accidentally hurt it by trying to play with it too roughly. But I think it can be done if they are introduced correctly.

Good luck!


Answer by Apricot Lover
Yes, they can get along. I know of proof of that. I met one lady whose dog is a German Shepherd and chihuahua mix. Funny-looking dog. Anyway, be sure both get fixed.

Answer by Cherish B
If you get a young German Shepherd like six months or younger he definitely won't attack her unless he's never seen another dog in his life. An older German shepherd might not respect your adult Chihuahua unless he's been well socialized. A good idea for a first meeting is to walk them together for like a half-hour or more. That way they can get used to each other's presence without having to meet head-on or butt-on cuz' they're dogs.

Answer by A. Wray (Back in Act
Yes, the Shepherd if not properly trained will be able to kill your current dog and you need to think of how your CURRENT dog is going to react to having a puppy in the house.

How does Maya react around other dogs? Is she skittish and nervous or aggressive? Does she want to play?

If the puppy is properly socialized (as someone else mentioned) and has the right temperament, it could work out. My Black German Shepherd gets along wonderfully with my small Border Collie (he's 95 lb and she is 25 lb).

Remember that GSDs require a lot of training and exercise, so if you're not used to this or willing to do what this breed requires, don't get one. A GSD without a job or training is an accident waiting to happen. If you don't give them a job, they find something to do on their own, and it is typically destructive in nature.

GSDs also need a stronger hand than most small breeds, and often "challenge" their owner periodically to make sure they are still in charge (this could be as small as not sitting where you tell them to, you have to be VERY consistent). If they don't think you are the boss, then they often assume they are, which can lead to herding and nipping.

If you decide you can provide the kind of activity a GSD requires, introduce them before you bring the puppy home to determine how your dog reacts. You should do this with your dog leashed and NOT in your home (since your dog sees that as her domain).

Be prepared for the puppy to try to play with your dog, and see how they interact (only let sniff at first). A properly trained GSD is a WONDERFUL pet, and they are a great breed, but be cautious of where you get them.

The breed is VERY prone to hip dysplasia and will need x-rays (at a minimum) when it's older, and possibly even surgery. The x-rays can run upwards of $ 300, and the surgery for one hip is around $ 800-$ 1200, depending on how recently you had x-rays and the size of your dog at the time of surgery. I recently had to do this for my GSD rescue, so if you don't plan on preparing for this possibility, don't bother getting one.

If you do decide to get one, good luck, it was one of the best decisions I've made.

Rumble Video: Chihuahua and German Shepherd buddies

Answer by TDangelG
German Shepherds get along very well with smaller canine breeds. Introduce them properly and they will sleep together as pals, become playmates, and tease each other with tender affections. My 6#- 6 mo. female Miniature Italian Greyhound is in total charge of my 65# AKC male 1 yr. GS. She tells him not to stand up, so as not to disturb her nap. And when to let her through the doggie door, or she'll bit his face. (a tiny nibble.) They are adorable.

I fully encourage you. However, you are mixing the rough and tumble with the petite, so they must be supervised.

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Answer by tanika971
Make sure the 2 dogs meet before you decide to take the GS home, but there is no reason why they should not grow up good friends, even considering their sizes, good luck

Answer by jennifer
Yea they can get along I have a male Husky and two Pomeranian, one male, one female and they get along great, and my brother has a Great Dane and even he gets along with the poms the size doesn't matter they will get used to each other.

Answer by xcave_canemx
I have a Brittany (Duncan) at home. My wife and I were keeping a friend's Bichon (Sally) for days. Sally would get a tug toy, probably about as long as she was and Duncan would lay down, grab one end and hold it, almost like an afterthought. Sally would be on the other end tugging with all her might. It was very cute. I'm glad I was able to get some pictures, although I don't have them handy.

So, in a word, "Yes" any 2 dogs can be friends. As others have said, just be sure to introduce them properly.

Answer by lisa_0521
They can be taught to live together just fine.
I have two GSD's and they live in perfect harmony with a Beagle and 3 cats.
Ok, so maybe the cats could live without them, but you get the point.
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