Q: Which dog breed should I get - an Airedale Terrier or a Giant Schnauzer?
We are moving from an apartment into a house, and for us, that means getting a dog! Now arguing about the breed to get, although we've narrowed it to these two breeds. Airedale Terrier vs Giant Schnauzer...
Photo Credit: Lulu Hoeller/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by Bkets
I have one of each and they are both wonderful dogs.
Airedales will shed twice a year. Giant Schnauzers no shedding that I have seen.
Answer by Matt Winstanley
I recently rescued an Airedale, my second. I have also had 10 Giant Schnauzers. Because of the size and energy of both breeds, I do not recommend either around toddlers (grandchildren). Most of both breeds in rescue will have some issues. I recommend that you get a pup from a responsible breeder. I wholeheartedly can recommend Skansen Kennels in CA for the Giants. Sylvia has her breeding down and she is an icon with the breed.
Answer by Nigel
Great question that my family and I have been wrestling with ourselves. Our decision – to get the Airedale Terrier. Why?
Well, we owned Standard Schnauzers for many years and they are a brilliant breed. Schnauzers have lots of similar benefits to Airedales (eg: similar good looks and grooming, low allergy/low shed coat, family friendly etc) However the Giant Schnauzer does have tendencies to guard, protect and dominate. All good qualities…..but being a large dog they can cause issues for some – especially those with young children.
The Airedale, on the other hand, is reported as being less serious and aloof and more likely to clown around and socialize in various situations. Is that true? Well, we don't get our puppy for a few more weeks so I can't comment with any authority. But it is what many owners and breeders have reported. (I certainly agree with the comments above regarding purchasing from reputable breeders who aim for good health and temperament) We have also been told that like any dog (especially Giant Schnauzers) early socialization is critical for Airedales along with a firm but not a punishing approach to training.
We hope to do our new puppy justice and maybe in the future, we might get him a Standard Schnauzer as a friend. But as beautiful as the Giant Schnauzer is, and as much as I loved his smaller Standard cousins, he just wasn't quite the right fit for our family. But each to their own and he may well suit your needs better than an Airedale. It's great to do the research though and to ask such questions. If only more people did that I'm sure that we'd have a lot less abandoned dogs needing homes.
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Answer by Nigel
I have had my Airedale puppy for 1 year now and it was a great decision. He is awesome. Very sweet natured and not at all aggressive. His only fault is that he is so friendly that he always wants to say hello to people and dogs and doesn't yet understand that not everyone wants to be his friend. As he matures his over-enthusiasm is improving. I'd really recommend an Airedale for anyone who wants a loyal if sometimes a cheeky friend who is going to be an active part of your life.
Like any bigger breed, they need exercise and good training/socialization. Grooming is also a challenge if you do it yourself. I have been learning to strip his coat and it is very interesting and rewarding (if you are into that sort of thing). But clipping is fine and easier on the groomer.
But I did see a Giant Schnauzer just the other day. Man, they are a good looking dog! Made me want to get one to keep the Airedale company! Instead, my wife got a Lhaso! Now the Lahso puppy bosses the Airedale around! Crazy!
Answer by Gerins
Considering Airedale Terrier vs Giant Schnauzers I would get an Airedale.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Matt Winstanley says
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Bkets says
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gerbil31603 says
Well I have two gerbils myself but My sister had a Mini Schnauzer once they might be good
jenn_a says
I like both, and they are very much alike. I would check with some rescue organizations. I know that if you go that way Airdales are more common and easyier to find. Airdales are also still used as hunting dogs, and show a stronger prey drive(usually), which may be important to you. I know owners of both breeds, and you have a tough decision, good luck!
Lisa says
i like both, but i think which ever you get you should get from a rescue or the animal shelter…..why buy one from a breeder that just makes more when there are so many now that need homes or they'll be put down.
jan44me2005 says
i've dealt with bothe breeds in my work. both are great dogs. i think the giant schnauzer is absolutely beautifil! but i think every one that i have dealt with has had issues about something.they need a lot of obedience training. and you have to let them know that you are the alpha dog. i even saw one on a viseo that was a show dog and they were doing accupuncture on it to calm it down before the show. and some of the airdales i,ve seen have some issues also, but i've seen moresweet ones than anything
lildivas12 says
large schnauzers
alisonkarissafeltham says
i have a terrpoo half terrier and half poodle. shes only 13 lbs and a real cuddler. i think if you have a lot of love for dogs and love to have them cuddle and be baby like the terrier bread is right for you and they love kids. my 2 yr old and dog are like best friends terriers love to run and my dog just love to fly threw the air when shes aloud to go loose at the cabin
kamikazepilot42 says
Well it's hard to answer just based on that…Since there is much to consider as far as what you're looking for in a dog. Obviously you have some idea, since Airedales and GS's are similar in many ways.
Maybe if you posted some more things you're looking for, temperment, etc., it might be easier to suggest one over the other.
Loki_Wolfchild says
Both are wonderful breeds, and both require a lot of grooming!
I personally prefer the Giant Schnauzer, but regardless of which you choose, please be sure to go to an ethical, reputable breeder. I've heard of serious aggression/temperament problems in both breeds, and you need to work with someone who can give you the right info on how to properly socialize and train a big terrier puppy, as well as someone who breeds with temperament in mind.
Good luck with your new puppy!