Difference between Samoyed and Pomeranian?

dan: What's the difference between a Samoyed and a Pomeranian dog? Which of them is a better guard dog?
Samoyed dog with closed eyes and a toungeSamoyed dog with closed eyes and a tounge
Photo Credit: Cezar I. /Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by squeaky
I have a 6 lb Pom now and used to own a 110 lb. Samoyed, so I would say there is a 104 lb. diff between the 2.

Answer by Dogs Rules
Very little – they are both dogs with 4 legs, a tail, a fur coat, and 42 teeth. Neither can speak English, read a book nor use the text facilities on a mobile phone.
You may notice that the adult Samoyed is about 10 times the height and weight of the Pomeranian, however.
Neither breed qualifies as the best guard dog.

Answer by Al
You all make fun, but Samoyed and Pomeranian s are both in the Spitz family, close relatives, Sammy ‘s were bred down to lap size because of their affectionate nature. Their size was a bit much for a lap dog. We own both and they act similarly except for the weight and size difference.

Answer by Linda Tienda
The question about the difference between Samoyed and Pomeranian was probably posed due to the fact that the two dog breeds look similar, duh.

Answer by Pete
Prussia occupied the Province of Pomerania (northern Poland) during the 19th c. Thus Prussian Duchy occupying Pomerania bred Samoyed dogs down to the breed we call Pomeranian Toy a century and a half ago.

Now, the question is... Were Samoyeds sleigh dogs? Because I am picturing these fabulous white fluffy spitz packs pulling sleighs throw the northern Poland snow with an ancient castle in the background. (music: Troika by Prokofiev)

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Answer by walter n
1) a Samoyed is all white and a larger dog of the working class and the Pomeranian is a small dog of the toy class;
2) any dog that you train the right way to protect your family and property. I prefer Rottweilers myself.

Answer by animal_artwork
Neither are good guard dogs. Pomeranians are probably better at being watchdogs as they are more prone to barking at strangers.
Samoyeds are 40-65 lbs. Poms are 4-8 lbs.

Samoyeds are likely to invite a thief in and beg for cookies.

Answer by durdenslabs
I suggest you do some research about breeds before posting questions that seem as ridiculous as this one.
Go to akc.org and look up "samoyed" and "pomeranian". One is a medium to large dog with long hair and the other is a very small dog. If I had to pick between the two I'd pick the Samoyed, especially if you're looking for any type of "guard" dog.

Answer by dymond
Size, color, temperament, they are totally different breeds. A pom is a small dog a Samoy is med to large dog. Poms make a lot of noise but are scardy cats. The Samoyed would be a better guard dog also better with kids then Poms.

Answer by ಌ DP
Huge difference, you should look at the AKC website and view both dogs and their standards... Best guard dog?? Well, you might want to think about a different breed entirely. If you are looking for a dog that will bark and alert you, either of those will bark. But they aren't guard dogs.

Answer by rescue member
About 100 pounds – go to the AKC website and look up these two breeds = you will see they are not even remotely alike.
The best guard dog is one who has been well trained to be a guard dog.
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