Russian Scent Hounds

There are quite a few hunting hounds of Russian origin, but among them, only the Russian Hound and the Russian Harlequin Hound are well-known outside their native country.

Russian hunting harlequin hound crossing the waterRussian hunting harlequin hound crossing the water

These Russian dog breeds are not only pleasant companions but are also great scent hounds with very high hunting abilities. They are following fox or hare by tracking its scent with keen persistence, while the hunters identify them from afar by their loud, melodious bays. Being popular in Russia, both breeds are still in the process of worldwide recognition.

Russian Hound

Russian houndRussian houndThe Russian Hound was indigenous to Russia since the end of the 18th century. Traditionally it was used in conjunction with the Borzoi sighthound. The Russian Hounds would locate and send the game to the field, where the hunters were awaiting it with their Borzois for the further chase.  The selective breeding of this Russian dog started a century later, resulting in its final standardization in 1925.

Today this hunting hound retains its wolfish appearance, a medium-sized frame (height 22-27 inches, weight 40-70 pounds), and a moderately short, very dense coat.  Its color is usually yellow-red with some white markings. Its strong and broad head, with dark eyes and triangular ears, is usually held low like a wolf. Generally, it is an energetic and hardy track hound with a great scent, nice voice, good temper, and obedience.

Russian Harlequin Hound

Russian Harlequin HoundRussian Harlequin HoundCompared to the Russian Hound, the Harlequin Hound is squarer in the frame (22-26 inches in height), has a more loud and melodic bay, and a tricolor coat, white predominant, with a black saddle.

Before 1951 the breed was known under the name of Anglo-Russian Hound because it is, in fact, a wonderful blend of the Russian Hound and the English Foxhound, with some addition of French hunting hounds. This Russian dog is probably the hunter's best choice for the "Red Chase", i.e. hunting such "red game" as fox or wolf. It can hunt in any climate and terrain and can be easily distinguished from the game by its visible color.

Owning Hunting Hounds

Both the Russian hound and the Russian Harlequin Hound are loyal, loving, and affectionate dogs. They get along well with all family members, including small children and pets. These Russian dog breeds are generally healthy and have low-maintenance coats. If not trained and worked as hunting hounds, they will eagerly stay at home as family pets. Nevertheless, they need some exercise in a fenced yard and long walks with their master. But don't forget to use the leash, because the hunting instinct of these Russian dogs may urge them to run away in search of a game.

Russian Scent Hounds Breeds Names:
Russian Hound, Kostroma Hound, Russian Drab Yellow Hound, Gontchaja Russkaja, Russkaya Gonchaya, Gonchaya, Russian: Русская гончая

Say it in Russian:

Russian Harlequin Hound, Russian Piebald Hound, Gontchaja Russkaja Pegaja, Anglo-Russian Hound, Harlequin Hound, Harlequin, Russkaya Pegaya Gonchaya, Russian: Русская пегая гончая

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