Is Rottweiler German Shepherd Mix Dangerous for Children?

orchid t: Is a crossbreed of a Rottweiler with a German Shepherd dangerous for children?
Rottweilers are known to be dangerous and aggressive. I have a crossbreed dog, a 6-month-old rottweiler german shepherd. My son loves playing with her, she seems like a friendly dog. How dangerous it is? Would it turn around and attack its master someday?

Answers and Views:

Answer by chetco
It is very unlikely! Dogs do not normally 'turn' on their masters. When it happens, you see it in all the news, so it seems like it's common, but it isn't.
However, no small child should be left unsupervised with ANY dog. If your son is 7 years or more, they should be wonderful friends.

Rottweiler mix puppy headRottweiler mix puppy head
Photo Credit: JamesQube/Pixabay

Answer by rottincherrie
About as likely as a child of delinquents to turn around and gun down his friends, if he was taken from the delinquents and raised by a nice, loving, decent family.

Not all rottweilers are mean! Actually, well-trained ones are very nice. This dog seems nice, right? She will NOT turn against him, I assure you.

Answer by ryan c
When you look at the facts on hand you will see that both German shepherds and Rotties are not even good fighting dogs. Guard/fighting dogs come in five classes and both of your breeds in that dog are only fourth class guard/fighting dogs. There are much more ancient and dangerous breeds than your little mutt female. Don't worry, if you had a Presa Canario/neo mastiff cross male, I would tell you that you have a problem on your hands.

Answer by jen
Rotties really have gotten a bad rap. They are protective of children and very loving. If the dog is treated well you have no worries. Enjoy your dog.

Answer by future vet tech
just make sure to train the dog early on:
any untrained dog can be vicious, a well-trained dog not so much, and there really isn't such a thing as an "aggressive breed" of dog; it just happens that some breeds (like rotties, shepherds, and pits) need a stronger leader than any other breed of dog would need

enroll for classes at your local PetSmart/Petco
pick up a few books:
one on Rotties, one on shepherds, and one on basic dog training
be patient and be consistent
your best bet with all dogs is to avoid problematic behaviors with proper training


ps, the two most well-behaved dogs I know are Rotties (my landlord's friend's two dogs, very well trained and very gentle), and my sweet dog is part shepherd

Answer by Debi
It's a crossbreed of two big dogs that are renowned for being loyal and protective.
Never leave small children alone with dogs – accidents can happen.
All children should be educated in dog-safety and commonsense ( unfortunately the trend these days is not to bother with any of that which is usually why people get bitten)

The media grabs sensational stories – dog attacks are not as common as is made out but make for big sales and are more interesting for people to read than friendly dog stories ( sad but true) Think of all the millions of pet dogs in the world and compare that to the number of bad reports you hear.
Chances are that if your dog and child grow up together the dog will be protective of the boy which, in this day and age is a good thing.

Answer by LEAH V
Don't be stupid, it's the way you treat them that makes ANY dog dangerous, I have the same Shepweiler breed and an English bull terrier, and a german shepherd cross staffy. I have had no problems with them and my two children

Rumble Video: A heartwarming footage of a gigantic Rottweiler gently playing with the 15-month-old baby.

Answer by cinney
My sister also has a Rottweiler Shepherd mix. She's a pretty dog. She's a good guard dog and fantastic with her and her kids. The only time she gets upset and shows any type of possibility of getting aggressive is when her husband pretends like he is gonna "fight" with her teenager. Then "Tampa" goes wild and shows fangs and everything. Other than that (and that's not bad because it is provoked), she's a great dog.

Answer by PomMom
I owned a Rottie German Shepherd cross and he never attempted to bite or growl at the family. He was not fond of strangers, but very loving toward us. I think it would be highly unlikely that he would attack his master.


Answer by Dorothy
When I was growing up my mom and dad had many rottweilers. They were the sweetest dogs and it was also good for the family because they are good watchdogs. So if the dog seems like it's a good dog and not showing signs of aggression and is trained, more than likely it will be a great dog.

Answer by mat
There are many misconceptions about the temperament of this mix. Some people think that it is not safe to own one because it's the breed's nature to be aggressive. However, many users say that their Rottweiler German Shepherd mix is perfect for them and their families.

Another big misconception about the mix is that it will turn out looking like a German Shepherd. The truth is, if your dog has any other breeds in its lineage, then the chances of it looking like a purebred are lower than 50%.

While there are different opinions on whether the Rottweiler German Shepherd mix is dangerous, it cannot be denied that this hybrid can be aggressive at times. It will depend on what you train your dog to react to. If you train your Rottweiler German Shepherd mix to be aggressive, then yes, it can be very dangerous.

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Answer by dancinqueenie
another person believing what the media tells them.

no, your dog won't bite unless it is provoked like any other dog and DONT LEAVE ANY CHILD UNSUPERVISED WITH A DOG OH AND STOP BELIEVING WHAT YOU HERE IN THE PAPERS

Answer by O
First off, ANY breed of dog can be dangerous and aggressive. Your son and puppy should be supervised while they play, especially if your son is young. At 6 months a puppy does not know exactly how it should behave and may react badly if a small child, say... pulls its tail. Your dog should go through obedience training and you should teach your son what you have learned (depending on his age).

Your rottweiler german shepherd mix should also be properly and regularly socialized with different dogs and people of all ages. Obedience classes will help a bit with this.
And no your dog should not turn on its family unless it has had a shitty life with that family. Love your dog and it will love you.

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