Are Pit Bulls really Dangerous, or Safe? (18 answers)

daphnerst: Are pit bulls really dangerous?
My fiance and I were considering getting a dog. He really wants a pit bull. I know that if raised incorrectly, they can be extremely dangerous. I also know that if raised correctly, they can be relatively friendly and safe.

We are hoping to have kids someday as well, so I'd like to get a dog that I would trust around my kids.
How safe are pit bulls? Does anyone have any experience raising or owning a pit bull?

Answers and Views:

Answer by TIM
It is all in how the dog is raised. They are as safe as the owner makes them. I used to work in a vet’s office and I have seen the nicest pit bulls ever.

Nice brown pit bull puppyNice brown pit bull puppy
Photo Credit: JRMartins/Pixabay

Answer by Fruit Loopz
Pitbulls are only dangerous if they are trained to be dangerous. They have teeth that go up to the side of their forehead, unlike regular dogs who have them to their jaw. Just don’t get a pit bull angry. Other than that they are nice, loyal, friendly dogs. I had a gorgeous and loving pitbull but I had to give her away because I can’t have pets. But I have also played with big pit bulls and they are just like any other dog.

Answer by mel
Well, pit bulls are one of the most aggressive dogs. If you do get one take it to a trainer immediately and buy one as a baby. But you never know: instinct is instinct, you can never change an animal completely. good luck

Answer by Julie
I trust pit bulls because as long as you raise it correctly then it will be fine cause I know tones of pit bulls and they are all the nicest dogs ever. if you give it water and make sure it always has fresh cold water and food it will be a great family dog

Answer by April
In my community, we will pay you $ 20 and spay or neuter your pit for free, give you a pile of dog food, and chip it…. all for free. (no other breed qualifies) Our humane society and pound will NEVER adopt out a pit or a pit cross…. never!!!!!!!!!!! Pit puppies that are in the pet trade are not too far from the parents or grandparents that were fighters…. the breed was bred to fight in a pit — hence pitbull….

The ones the fighters feel are not mean enough get sold to people like you, or you buy one or get one from someone who got one this way, and bred it…. you are not far from the fighting ring. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are bet in rural America EVERY Friday and Saturday on dog fights, and they don’t fight dash hounds, hon.

This is not to say that there are not nice pits out there…. but the percentages are dismal, and they are unpredictable, don’t care what anyone ever tells you…..

The best dogs are crosses of any breed — except pits. Rescue some sweetie from the pound.

Answer by deble
Pit Bulls are great dogs. It is how a person raises them. I have owned a male pit for the past 5 years. He was given to me when he was just two weeks old. I have raised him ever since. He is the best dog. I have a young daughter and he is fine around her. Max is a great dog.. loyal, loving, funny, protective, all wrapped up in one dog.

Answer by Jess Wundring
Pitbulls have the capability of being very dangerous because they were bred to fight and were bred to keep their mouths automatically clamped on whatever they’ve gotten ahold of when they bite.

On the other hand, I’ve never met a pit that wasn’t by nature exceedingly meek with people….another characteristic that’s been bred into them, I think. Pits have and will take incredible amounts of abuse from two-legged idiot monkeys without “turning” on them. Of course, this characteristic can and has been trained out of them sometimes, using the proper torture techniques.

Pits, in general, are much-maligned but that reputation results mostly because of the attraction that violently-inclined mental midgets have for them.

Answer by aloneathome
Pits are great dogs, treat and raise them with love and respect they will be your best friend. I have raised a couple with my son and never had a problem...

Answer by xjoizey
Relatively safe? would you want your child around a dog that is relatively safe? we have had children mauled and scared by pit bulls . one poor woman was torn to pieces and killed. they are inherently dangerous no matter how they are raised


Answer by Emeralds & Pearls
Cesar Millan, the dog behavioral expert, has this to say:

“There are no killer dogs! Dogs are not born killers nor do they choose to be killers. What we are seeing in the news with the recent rash of canine violence is the tragic outcome of humans who own dogs, but do not know how to properly fulfill the needs of man’s best friend.”

Cesar has a pack of over 50 dogs–mostly “dangerous breeds” like rotts, pit bulls, and German shepherds–at his Dog Psychology Center in Los Angeles. They all run together and don’t fight–and many of them are dogs that were bred to fight–or even former fighting dogs!

If you decide to get a pit, I would suggest reading the book, Cesar's Way: The Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding & Correcting Common Dog Problems.

Becoming the pack leader to your dog will allow any breed of dog to be safe, and if you teach your children to be pack leaders there is no reason why it wouldn’t be safe to get a pit bull.

Still, you should get a puppy from an established breeder.

Good luck!

Answer by andi p
If you have any questions about the safety of this breed then stay away from them. It only takes one time for a dog to turn on a child, especially one that out weighs them by 100 pounds. Try a nice West Highland Terrier, non-shedding, great with kids, and low key.

Answer by Globug
I think they are amazing dogs. do your homework and visit breeders before considering it. buy one as a puppy. socialize it and train it and they can be amazing dogs!

Answer by Help
This is a question that you could most definitely find the answer to if you just turned on the T.V. and watched the news. Pit Bulls have been known to turn on the best of owners and kill small children, adults, and other animals. This instinct is born in this breed and would most definitely choose another less aggressive breed, especially if I planned on having children around this pet.

Answer by rorie
It’s all about how you raise them, I’ve known the sweetest pit bulls in the world because they were trained and treated nicely.

Rumble video: Massive Pit Bull is a Sweet Gentle Giant

Answer by unknown
all dogs were bred to do a specific thing. no matter what they will have that instinct locked up inside them. I think you should risk it. but know that if your dog shows any signs of aggression then it would be your responsibility to get a trainer immediately and stamp the aggression out of him/her. and know that getting a dog is a big commitment and will cost a lot of money in the end so just be prepared.

Answer by Jo
I have a pit that is either a large pit or an all pit. (her mother was a stray and was a pure pit, had a litter and the pups were on the way to a shelter. in my city they kill pits or pit mixes at the local SPCA.)

I got her when she was three weeks old, as a rescue. She is the sweetest dog and completely safe around children. I have children that visit regularly (relatives) and feel absolutely safe when she is around them. Children should be supervised around any animal, but Pit’s have a high tolerance for pain so they are less apt to bite. What makes them dangerous is that they do have a powerful bite if and when they do bite.

I trust my dog absolutely, but I know her temperament from when she was small. Any dog you may be considering adopting should be temperament tested to make sure they are appropriate for children and that is for any breed.

A temperament tested Pit Bull would make an excellent pet for a family and as a family dog. They used to be called “Nanny” dogs because they were commonly used as guardians of children. “Petey” from “The Little Rascals” was a Pit Bull.

The woman in France who had the first face transplant had her face ripped off by a Labrador Retriever.
So temperament test any dog.

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Answer by Alli
I do not own a pit bull, but they are absolutely my favorite dog breed. I have done a lot of research on them, and I know they are the right dog for me. I am going to get one as soon as we have enough money for a dog. And it is true that a dog's behavior has everything to do with how it is raised.

Well-raised pit bulls who are well trained and well socialized are some of the friendliest dogs I have ever met. They are so sweet and so forgiving. I work at a vet clinic, and a family was just asking us this same question. The whole family wanted a dog, but the husband REALLY wanted a pit bull.

It took him a while to convince his wife because she was afraid of pit bulls. Well, they ended up getting a pit bull puppy a few weeks ago, and they couldn’t be happier. He is a part of their family now and is growing up to be a very nice citizen, a bit of a ladies' man actually.

I think a pit bull is a wonderful choice as a pet, as long as you know where your puppy comes from, and you raise your puppy right. They aren’t dangerous unless taught to be.
I have never heard of a pit bull turning on its owners. I don’t know where this came from.

Answer by BRIDGE
Pit bulls are not dangerous!! It's the owners, NOT the dog!!!
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