Are Male Samoyed Dogs Mean or Aggressive? (12 answers)

Amy: Are male Samoyed dogs mean or aggressive?
I want to get one of these dogs and I'm wondering whether to get a male or female?
I've only grown up with small male dogs so I don't know how big male dogs act, so should I get a female or male?

Answers and Views:

Answer by Justphil
Usually does not matter. Male or Female. What matters is how the family raises the dog. There are no bad dogs just bad owners.

Samoyed male resting on the grassSamoyed male resting on the grass
Photo Credit: christels/Pixabay

Answer by Stacy
Male Samoyed dogs are sometimes misunderstood to be mean or aggressive. In reality, they are just very protective and might become a little mouthy with strangers. They do not approach people in a hostile way or in an effort to show dominance.

Answer by Nakita I
Amy, I haven't had any problems with my Samoyed.

Answer by Britney
Male dogs are usually more territorial, which means they need to potty more often and cover the scent of visiting dogs as well. This tendency makes it more difficult to house-train.

Female dogs learn faster and are generally more loyal. Although many female dogs are territorial, they usually mark the spot in one pass. Female dogs are more likely to want to stay home.

Male dogs tend to be more dominant than female dogs. Male dogs also tend to carry a stronger body odor than females. But the gender most likely to be a good foot warmer is the male dog because he's better at relaxing when the time comes.

Female dogs are always more alert for any possibilities. Because female dogs have the mothering instinct, most of their behavioral tendencies are to feed, protect, and nurture their young. Thus, there are always aware of everything going around them.

Answer by helen
They are alerted - meaning they hear something strange they will most likely be barking and they are very smiling, also very cheerful!! so that's good! :) enjoys exercise and NEEDS human company…

Answer by ChichiMom
My cousin has a male Samoyed. He was rescued and has some aggression issues, but they may be caused by his treatment before he went to live with my cousin.

We used to have a neighbor who used a male Samoyed as a seeing-eye dog. They are beloved by everyone in the neighborhood. Even though the dog was working, he was never aggressive and always seemed to enjoy the attention we kids gave him and his master.

Rumble Video: Felix the Samoyed helps his humans with his most useful tricks.

Answer by john p
They are not aggressive but they are watchful of strangers. They will bark at them or growl but this is just out of instinctual response to protect their territory.

Answer by Smith
Male Samoyeds make great companions for families with children, but it is important to be mindful of their size. If you have small children, it may be best to get a female Samoyed or another breed of dog.

Males can be more territorial than females. They may start to growl and bark at unknown visitors who come into your home, especially if they are older or have been attacked in the past by an unknown person or animal outside the home.

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Answer by Just Me
Samoyed dogs are really friendly. Females may be a little calmer than males, though neither is aggressive (unless they were abused or trained to be aggressive). Plus, if you have the dog spayed or neutered (it is healthier for the dog if you do) then male or female would not matter at all.

Dogs act the same no matter if they are big or small, so if you are used to male dogs getting a male samoyed is fine.

Answer by Korinne
Any dog regardless of gender or breed can become aggressive in certain situations ex if the dog is afraid or injured. Socialization is a must with any dog to prevent aggressive behavior towards people, children, and other animals. Spaying or neutering your pet also cuts down the likelihood of aggression.

Dogs are also less likely to be aggressive towards dogs of the opposite gender (males get along better with females).

Answer by Praying For Zoe and
They aren't if they are properly raised, trained, and socialized. Any breed can be mean or aggressive if the owner doesn't take the time to work with the dog. It doesn't matter if it's male or female!

Answer by statecalifornia2009
my ex-boyfriend's mom has two Samoyeds females and they're not aggressive or mean dogs. depend if your dog is jealous can cause a problem in a lifetime. . but they're not that aggressive dogs at all.
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