How to Leash Train Mini Schnauzer who is Afraid of Leashes?

Andy: How can I leash train my dog if she is deathly afraid of leashes?
My 2-year-old Mini Schnauzer is scared to go on a leash. We got her a year ago and we think that her previous owner beat her with a leash and traumatized her. If we put the leash on her, she starts trembling and shaking uncontrollably.

White Mini Schnauzer unleashed in a parkWhite Mini Schnauzer unleashed in a park
Photo Credit: nffcnnr/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Faithnomore
My dog was the same way at first, but it wasn't because she was beaten, I just don't think she understood what was going on. I had to put the leash on her and carry her (and she weighed 50lbs) until she understood that nothing bad was going to happen. Now, whenever she hears the word "leash" she gets all excited knowing she gets to go for a walk.

Answer by mg3
Oh, poor little doggy. Try this guy, he’s awesome!

Answer by reispinscher
The first step in leash training that I recommend is to put the leash on the dog and then play with the dog while it drags the leash. After this, the dog will associate the leash with play.

The next step is to teach loose lead walking with short walks and lots of praise, (Fun, or food). Don't use leash correction types of training on a dog that is scared of the leash. Use the lure type of training for this dog.

For more information on training techniques, I recommend reading Don't Shoot the Dog by Karen Pryor. This is a good book for understanding the basics of training without force.


Answer by Panacea
Simply put the leash on her for a couple of minutes, several times a day. Make it a little longer each day for a while.
Eventually, the dog won't be afraid of the leash anymore.

Answer by Jessica M
I would leave leashes lying around the house, without touching them, until the dog is indifferent to them. Then put them in places where the dog goes a lot – put them around her food and stuff.

Then carry it around with you and ignore her – not like in a mean way, but just so she gets used to people with leashes being nice to her. Give her a treat whenever you are walking around with the leash, snuggle her (if she will come near you), talk to her nicely.

Last, you have to put the leash on eventually, but give her treats and talk in soothing voices and start with short periods. put the leash on for a minute and then give her a treat and take it off and tell her what a great dog she is.

Do this every day until she starts to get used to it and then try and take her out in the yard with the leash, gradually keeping her on the leash for longer periods of time and going further from the house.

Answer by madugongmaria
Be extra nice to your mini schnauzer when you put the leash on her. u can give her treats whenever she doesn't freak out while on the leash, and if she's used to you saying something like "Good girl!" whenever she does something really good, u can say that to her also when she's on the leash.
oh…and u can also start with a lightweight leash made from cloth that u think would be comfy to her.

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Answer by izzy8223
My dogs got scared of the leash because we always put it on them to go to the vet. The vet was their worst fear. We grabbed the dog and stuck the leash on him, and watched him run around the yard like a maniac! He suddenly realized that he was fine and not going to the vet so they're not so scared of it anymore!

Answer by elaeblue
Well, I think first you need to get the dog un-afraid of the lease start by leaving it laying on the floor and play with the dog with it. Play tug of war if you can get him to do it the more you play the less he will be afraid. Try putting it on the floor and stepping on it and see if he will try to take it. any game you can get him to play with it. Then slowly just put it on him and play play play till he is used to it.

Answer by Yilin X
Start off by putting your mini-schnauzer on a leash for very short time spans, like thirty seconds or less. Give her lots of treats and praise during that time span. Then, start making that thirty seconds longer and longer. You can leash her to you and just do what you normally do after that to get her more used to it. Once she gets better, start taking her on short walks that get longer. I bet she'll be fine in no time. Good luck!

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Answer by Dick Tater
Start by using it in the house, letting them drag it along when they walk, secure it loosely and keep it on for short periods..its the same training as with a show dog, they need to know that it's okay.. increase the time wearing it, then hold onto the lead as they go around the house, work on the same within the backyard and finally outside.. with an abused dog it takes a lot of patience and time..they will come around..oh and never yell while you are doing this, it will only make them regress.

Answer by Adelina
put the leash on her and while she is on it, give her a lot of love. this says that you will not hurt her and that you love her.
do this several times until she is comfy with the leash. when she is comfy try taking her on short walks then each time increasing the amount of time spent on each walk.

Answer by Frog L
Put the leash on your mini schnauzer while she is sleeping. Then keep it on her, in your free time where-ever she goes follow her with the leash.
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