Is the American Eskimo dog and the Samoyed dog similar?

AMy: is the American Eskimo dog and the Samoyed similar?
my fiance and i are thinking of getting wither a American Eskimo dog or a Samoyed. i did some research, but im still kinda fuzzy on the differences between them. what are the differences between them?

siberian samoyed couplesiberian samoyed couple
Photo Credit: y_katsuuu/Flickr
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Answer by Charlie the black Pomeranian Agility King
Yeah, they`re both part of the Spitz family, they can both be white, pretty close. But they`re separate breeds. Just like a Pomeranian and a German Spitz which are two other Dogs in the Spitz family.

Answer by Dustin
From my experience Eskimo's have a different personality from the Samoyed's. The biggest factor will have to be the size, if you want a medium-sized dog get the Samoyed, if you want a small dog, get the Eskimo. If you have no preference then I would suggest interacting with each to see which breed suits you best.

Personally, I prefer the Samoyed because I work at a pet store and we have both breeds. I have never especially liked the "snow dogs" such as the Husky, Eskimo, Malamute, Samoyed, etc. but I began training a Samoyed at work when he was only 10 weeks old and he picked up on training incredibly fast. Within 2 hours he learned how to sit, shake, lay, roll, and "sit pretty." He could do these tricks with verbal commands, as well as with only hand commands. I've trained many dogs, several of them being in the top ten smartest dog breeds, and he picked up on training just as fast as any of them.

One negative, prepare for a lot of shedding – get a Furminator!

Answer by Sydney
Here is how they are similar and different:

American Eskimo's range from 15 to 19 inches, Samoyed's range from 19 to 23 inches.
American Eskimo's range from 18 to 35 pounds, Samoyed's range from 35 to 50 pounds.
They both are usually white, and look very similar.
They are both prone to hip dysplasia.
They can both live in an apartment as long as they are exercised enough.

American Eskimos are expected to live for 15+ years. Samoyeds are expected to live for 12 to 15 years. (The life expectancy of a dog typically depends on it's size. A larger dog tends to live a shorter life than a smaller dog.)

They both require extensive brushing and grooming.

The American Eskimo is typically smaller in height and weight than the Samoyed, but other than this they are actually quite similar.
I hope this answers your question :)
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