Is Samoyed a good Apartment Dog to be Left Home Alone?

Q: Is Samoyed dog good for apartment living and to be left alone 8hrs a day during work time? I am getting a new Samoyed and I know that they have separation anxieties so that raises the question of how long can I leave them for? I am planning to walk my Samoyed 15-20 minutes daily. What is a good daily recommended amount of exercise for them?
Samoyed dog takes a rest after a walk in the mountainsSamoyed dog takes a rest after a walk in the mountains
Photo Credit: Fil.Al/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Animal Artwork & Arc
I've been breeding and showing Sams for over 20 years. A Samoyed dog is LOUSY for apartment living unless there is someone home to entertain it all day long. My current Sam required 5 Bernese to play with him to get enough exercise. Now that he's 3 years old it only takes 3 Bernese.

A Samoyed will bark non-stop for hours if left alone with insufficient exercise. A Samoyed that isn't at least middle-aged (8 years) needs several hours a day of exercise, training, and playtime. You might be able to decrease the barking by leaving the dog uncrated but then your belongings will be in jeopardy of intense chewing. Either you or the Sam will soon find yourself homeless.

Answer by Emma
I have a Sammie and I live in an apartment. They do fine but they chew a lot. But seriously, a 20 min walk a day?! That’s horrible. I walk mine 4 times a day a max of 15-20 min and let him roam and sniff around for another 15 min. And he’s only 4 months old. Imagine when they fully grow up. They need serious commitment.

Answer by Animal Artwork & the Lou
I’ve owned Samoyeds for 37 years.. and have been exhibiting/breeding them for over 20 years. Samoyeds are NOT prone to separation anxiety.

Please crate train your puppy for his own protection… they are prone to make mischief and chew when bored. Typically, you can leave your dog crated for 1 hour for every month old it is until the age of 6 months. After that, it becomes a matter of how well your dog does being left in a crate and whether you can sufficiently exercise it when you are home. (Photo Credit: ColinD13 )

Samoyeds require several hours of exercise, interaction, and training while young… how much depends on the age of the pup… very young pups need less than an 18 mos old.

Answer by nicey
The active Samoyed is not suited to apartment or condo life. A home with a large, securely fenced yard is the best choice.

Answer by Spencer
I disagree. I have a Samoyed and we live comfortably in my one-bedroom apt. However, exercise is the key. We go for about three to four 20 minute walks a day and the dog park. Samoyeds also Housebreaking him or her is a must. Never leave them for any longer then you have to and be sure to give your Samoyed lots of love and he'll be fine.need good training.

Answer by Leesa
To be honest, 15-20 minutes NOT enough exercise for ANY dog. Especially young ones. If you look into breed-rescue, maybe you could adopt a senior Samoyed. They will require less exercise.

Answer by Kristi
They are working dogs and need 2 ta 4 hours of good exercise a day unless you want to come home and have nothing left in your apartment. If you want a dog that is good in small living spaces get something like a Shih Tzu.

Answer by owned by 2
No dog should be expected to be left alone for 8 hours. They do need to go to the bathroom.
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