Is it Tough to Buy a Kuvasz in the US?

Lolz: How tough would it be to buy a Kuvasz in the US?
I always wanted to buy one of those dogs but I don't have any Kuvasz breeders around.  Are there any puppies for sale? Currently, I own a White German Shepherd.

Kuvasz dog lying on the grassKuvasz dog lying on the grass
Photo Credit: Kuvasz Prince of The Dogs Kennel/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Night_owl
It is not a very common breed however if you connect with a good show breeder there ARE breeders around- you may have to travel a bit (perhaps to a nearby state,) to get a Kuvasz especially if you want a puppy (which is probably easier anyway,) however if that's what you want than I say go for it!

Answer by Andras
Here are some Kuvasz breeders in the US. Ask them if they've got Kuvasz puppies for sale.


Kennel: Ederra Kuvasz and Pumi
Breeder: Maria Arechaederra
Phone: +1 (949) 981 7646
Location: Silverado, CA, USA

Kennel: OnyxBay Pumik
Breeder: Theresa Weber
Phone: +1 (714) 348 8058
Location: Northridge, CA, USA


Kennel: Aegys Kennels
Breeder: Lynn Roberts
Phone: +1 (912) 531 2177
Location: Statesboro, GA, USA


Kennel: Szumeria Kuvasz
Breeders: Constance Townsend-Brady, Lynn Brady
Phone: +1 (651) 460 4823
Location: Farmington, MN, USA


Kennel: Double Ring Kuvasz
Breeder: Kathy Ringering
Phone: +1 (573) 756 8321
Location: Fredericktown, MO, USA

Answer by Rose
Why do you want that kind of dog so bad? Are the other ones not good enough? Seriously...they may be certain breeds but all dogs are good companions and they all deserve a chance. Don't be shallow.

Answer by Quintin
The Kuvasz can be a fiercely loyal and patient pet who appreciates attention but may also be somewhat aloof or independent, particularly with strangers. Kuvaszok are known to be fierce protectors of their families, which is in keeping with their origins as a guardian of livestock. Given their intelligence, awareness of their surroundings, as well as their size and strength, they can be quite impressive in this role.

They are also said to be incredibly intelligent, and to possess a clownish sense of humor which lasts throughout their adolescence and occasionally into adulthood. Given their protective nature and their natural strength, training and socialization is a necessity. Despite their intelligence, they should not be perceived as easily trained. Their independent streak can make training a difficult task which can wear on the patience of even experienced owners. As a result, they are not recommended for novices or those who do not have time to train and socialize them properly.

The Kuvasz has also been described as a notorious barker, while others describe their own Kuvaszok as quiet. Ultimately, the question of barking seems to depend on the individual dog but it remains a good rule of thumb for a potential owner to refrain from buying a Kuvasz if barking will be a problem at the home.

Answer by Doctor Jerry
Kuvaszok dogs are still rare. They are extremely independent by nature and can be a challenge for even an experienced dog owner. Be aware that a Kuvasz will NOT share the natural obedience characteristics of your white German Shepherd. That being said, if you really feel you want one of these dogs I would suggest you simply search Kuvasz breeders in the US. There aren’t many, but they are out there. And when you’ve found a breeder with puppies for sale ask to be able to contact prior clients who have purchased their puppies in order to check for how satisfied they were. Good luck.

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