Is it ok to have a Siberian Husky in California?

cseo95: Is it possible to have a Siberian Husky in California?
So, this summer I am most likely moving from Oregon to California and we will be taking our 4-year-old Siberian Husky. Would she be able to stand the hot Los Angeles climate? And I heard that you shouldn't clip a dog's hair, but if it becomes to hot and we move, I certainly don't want her getting a heat stroke or something like that.
Siberian Husky in California sunSiberian Husky in California sun
Photo Credit: niiicedave (back from AK USA)/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by kouneli
As an outdoor dog? No. If you're going to have her as an indoor dog, with A/C in the house, then a husky would be fine in SoCal.

Answer by Dustin
Of course, you can! If you aren't sure about adopting a certain breed because of your weather, you should do some research on the breed. Siberian Huskies do have quite a bit of fur, but there are people who have a Mexican Hairless in Minnesota! I mean come on, Pomeranians have tons of fur for their little bodies, I see celebrities all over the place with those little dogs!

Answer by Lovedogs
If you live east of the coast in So Cal, it’s often as hot as Arizona so not appropriate for Huskies. It’s often 90-100 from March until October. I see people in this area getting these dogs. They are idiots, they think just because they are in Games of Thrones they are cool. It’s not fair on the dogs.

Answer by UHave2BeKiddingMe
I have had Six Siberian Huskies in the Los Angeles area.
They do fine.
I have an air-conditioned home, and when they are outdoors they either had a real swimming pool that they would go in to cool off or a kids wading pool.

FUNNY VIDEO: Husky Loses Competition but Wins Hearts

Answer by Emily P
It is possible. Just make sure that the dog is hydrated and try to groom them to thin out their coat as much as possible. You do not want to overheat the dog. Get a place with a big yard if you can, space in LA typically has limited land. Husky's are big dogs and will need a lot of room.

Answer by dogluvr4ever
Siberian Huskies have a dense double coat, which will make it hot for her. Just make sure you brush her hair at least once a day so she won't be as hot and always have water available to her.

Answer by Samuel
I guess if you have a pool or some method of cooling the pooch there is no issue, although, may I suggest moving to, say, Siberia. San Francisco is cooler than Los Angeles, the dog might like it better there as well.

Answer by Cris
you can cut her hair, ain't no reason why you can't cut her hair, we use to do it to our dogs when it got too hot outside, and I live in deep south Texas where its always hot

Answer by Dog
Husky in California? Yeah, if you are mentally retarded, sure take a dog bred for the Arctic to live in a desert.
The stupidity of you people is astounding.
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