Is German Shepherd Dogs Play Behavior Different?

Reika GSD/Sheltie: Canine Play Behavior?
Throughout the years I have dealt with literally hundreds of German Shepherd Dogs. Some were fosters and rescues. Others belonged to family friends and still others were my own. Through my experiences I have noticed that GSDs have a very unique play behavior not seen in some other breeds. German Shepherd Dogs use their front legs and paws during play. They may use them to smack around other dogs or they might use them to pin other dogs down. Every GSD that I have come across displays this style of play. Some to a greater extent and others not quite as much, but almost all of them do it when they are excited during play. There may be an exception to that of course as dogs are individuals, but all in all I have come to believe that GSDs have a very rough play style.

This got me to thinking. Do other dog breeds have a certain play behavior that is unique to them? How does your dog initiate play with another dog and how do they interact during play?
I never once claimed that the use of forelegs during play was solely a GSD behavior. I simply stated that the GSD breed has a tendency to initiate play in this manner. I am sure some other breeds initiate play in with the same behavior as well. I also stated that not all GSDs initate play in that specific manner. There are exceptions to any "rule" and dogs are individuals with individualistic and specific mannerisms and traits. The majority of GSDs however do initiate play in the manner stated. But thank-you "Plain Old Facts" for your input on the subject.

Answers and Views:

Answer by ike M
fuck knmows

Answer by scoop
I have a GSD, and I've seen exactly what you are talking about! He does it to me too to play, and now it makes sense that all of them do it! Thanks for clearing it up for me!

Answer by Ballin Bichon ♥
It's not the breed it's the individual dog. No two dogs are exactly the same...each has their own likes and dislikes, behaviors, and ways of doing things. I see almost every breed use their front paws to smack toys around but only in the larger breeds of dogs. So you may have a point! =]

Answer by Randee TAS
I've only had one dog and haven't seen it in any of the other dogs I've encountered, but Zoey will try to push the other dog over to initiate play. She's slowly getting put in her place by older dogs for doing this, but she'll walk up, sit, and then push with her paw.
She also seems to like cutting other dogs off at the shoulders and turning them in different direction, but then again, she is a herding breed.

Answer by Xena
Boxers also use their from paws like that. Thats kinda how they got their name. When boxers play , they play rough. They are growling and making all kinds of noises. It sounds like they are fighting , but they are just playing.

Answer by TKS
Yes, Dobermans are a lot like that and will get up on back legs and "spar". It's funny to watch my Dobe and Lab play because they have different approaches and ideas of fun.

Answer by tman553
yes my shitzoo acts the same way with other dogs even know she Reilly small.

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