Is Canidae Good Dog Food to Switch to?

Q: Is Canidae good dog food?
I have a 5 month old chihuahua and I've been feeding him science diet but he seems to not like it anymore & only eats it when he's really hungry. I'm considering switching him to canidae but don't know if it's good or not, so is it good dog food?
chihuahua dog foodchihuahua dog food
Photo Credit: eltiochusma/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by ♥L.A. Woman♫
Yes, Canidae is a VERY good dog food and Science Diet is actually pretty low quality! You should definitely switch to Canidae...

Answer by Queenie knows it all.
I wouldn't switch. Science Diet is really good quality and I've never heard of that other stuff before.

Answer by Deecat
Vets recommend Science Diet because they get kickbacks. I worked in an animal hospital and I know this for fact. Science Diet is mostly corn, which causes serious allergies and gastric upsets in dogs. It's a garbage filler and they use it because it is cheap.

Any kibble you use that contains grain is potentially harmful to your dog, and in the long run it will cause problems. There are grain-free dog foods out there (Instinct is one brand that's pretty commonly available) that are much safer.

The most complete nutrition available for dogs is in what they naturally were meant to digest... Raw meat and bones. Look up "BARF" diet or Raw Meat and Bones before you scoff. Dog food companies spent a lot of money convincing the public that so-called "dog food" is really the safest thing.

Dogs on raw diets get variety. Dogs on kibble can't switch brands because they get sick as they switch from one combination of indigestible fillers and poor quality dried out meat products to another. Doesn't better nutrition come from a more varied diet? Man cannot live on hamburgers alone! (lol)
Raw bones don't splinter. Only cooked bones splinter and become indigestible. My dog's favorite meal is raw chicken with bones in!

If you're worried about salmonella, your dog licks its butt and it probably also licks and comes into contact with surfaces that are already teeming with that bacteria and several others that can possibly harm humans. A dog who is eating raw meat and bones in a balanced diet is not going to be effected by salmonella because their digestive tract has the enzymes that protect them from it. Their digestive tract is much shorter than ours anyway, so it isn't affected the way ours is.

Remember, there are vets out there who are honest enough (and not brainwashed, as well) to recommend a raw diet, but many prefer to recommend whichever brand of dog food is giving them the best bonus. Besides, if dogs didn't constantly have chronic food-related ailments, where would vets peddle all of their quick-fix pills and injections?
Dog food is a fairly recent thing in domesticated canine history. How did all the dogs survive up until there was dog food on the shelves?

Answer by *Jordan M*
MUCH better than Science Diet. FAR better than Science Diet.
Science Diet is expensive crap food. Canidae costs the same, but is much higher quality. Not that Canidae is an expensive food, but for the quality... Science Diet should only cost as much as Pedigree...

Answer by panache
Canidae is far better food than science diet,just switch over acouple of weeks to prevent stomach upset

Answer by ozzy59
I have no complaints with it other than the fact that only one place in this area sells it and they don't have a whole lot of it on hand.

Answer by grumpy girl
science diet is full of fillers...and science diet uses peanut hulls as their filler. stay away from it please. canidae is a good food from what i have heard. i have never seen it for sale in my area so i have kept my dogs on solid gold beef and barley formula. other good foods are wellness, blue buffalo, Merrick, chicken soup, Newman's own, and innova. if you choose one of these foods, your dog will be thankful, and healthier. just compare the ingredients to the science diet...and you will see what i mean. good luck.
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