How do I Know if my Pug is Pregnant?

raynefreak: How do I know if my pug is actually pregnant?
My one-year-old female Pug was humped by my six-month-old male Pug. Everyone in the family thinks she is pregnant but I am not for sure. It's been around twenty-nine days since she was humped what symptoms of Pug pregnancy should I be looking for by now?
A Pregnant Pug dog in laborA Pregnant Pug dog in labor
Photo Credit: wickenden/Flickr CC

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Answer by nikaura55
wow Please take her to a vet. I hope you get her spayed well you are there! One year old is way too young to have a litter even if she carries it to term chances are not great the puppies will be healthy. A six-month-old male is usually unable to create babies at that age. And to borrow your phrasing humping is more of a dominant trait than a sexual one. If your female is not in the heat I doubt she is btw

Answer by ;)
They don't show until about six weeks into the pregnancy. Right now you will just see enlarged breasts.
If they tied, then she is pregnant. If they didn't, then she probably isn't. It just depends on whether the male was mature enough during her cycle.

Answer by yankeerose
You can watch her tits to see if they are swollen. it takes 65 days to have puppies, but if she is you will be able to see her tits swell up this is a sure sign that there will be patters of little feet. she is really too young to be having pups. so if you find that she is pregnant be alert to breach birth pups and get her to the vet right away. you can lose her if a pup gets stuck. Good luck

Answer by stacyandjason212
You might try taking her to the VET?
Especially since they are way too young to be bred.

Breeder’s Bible: Book of the Bitch: A Complete Guide to Understanding and Caring for Bitches by J.M.Eavans & Kay White

Answer by morecowbell
Well, hopefully, she is not pregnant. Why don't you take them to a vet and get them fixed?
I bought a 2-year-old Pug from a backyard breeder who didn't want her anymore. Turned out she was pregnant and nobody knew. Not even the vet knew when I took her. But when she got too big to jump up on the couch, we realized it. She had 5 babies but only 2 lived. They were so cute but after 8 weeks, I gave them to some friends because I couldn't handle 3 dogs by myself.
After this incident, I got her spayed. There are already too many unwanted dogs.

Answer by sweepee152003
A year isn't young yes it is a health risk but my Pug got pregnant when she was 9 month delivered 7 precious bundles of joy when ahem was 11 months all with no complications or any health problems just depends if the people who have the dog are able to be there for her and take care of her

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