How well do Doberman do in Cold Weather?

Q: How well do Doberman pinschers do in cold weather?
We have hot summers and freezing winters here, and I'm thinking about buying a Doberman pinscher. How well do they do in cold weather and snow?

Doberman in winter dressed in a coatDoberman in winter dressed in a coat
Photo Credit: jack berry/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by ⊕AnnaAnomie&op
They don't. Those dogs aren't meant for that kind of weather.
Now, assuming they will be kept inside ALL THE TIME then yes, they'll be fine. But you could very well kill the dog by leaving it outside during freezing temperatures. No dog should be left outside when its 40 degrees Fahrenheit or under.
Hot weather shouldn't harm it too much, as they're very short-coated animals and should fare well.

Answer by Smiley
Well, they don't do very well b/c of their short coat fur!! But they are really great for inside!~!~!

Answer by julie d
Well, I have had many Dobes here in Michigan. A short romp in the snow is ok, but they don't want to be outside for longer than it takes to do their business. They do ok in the heat, but I would never let any dog outdoors very long when it is really hot. Dobes are an indoor house dog that are "velcro" dogs with their humans. Just to let you know, all the big, bad Dobes (jk) that I have had think that they will melt from one raindrop, but still liked to play in a kids wading pool. Go figure!

Answer by Shaun and Dana Adams
As strong and powerful as Dobermans are, they are total sissies in the cold. We moved from Phoenix to Chicago so it's even worse for my dog, she shivers like crazy if she's in the cold for long. Dobermans have nothing for the undercoat. Keep your Doberman inside if it's under 55 degrees, and remember, if your skin is cold, your Doberman is cold. Oh, and size doesn't matter.

Answer by Mark
Your Dob will do fine if it lives inside and goes out for a walk properly dressed in a coat and dog shoes.

This Dog Paw Balm will protect your dog's paws from ice and salt in winter, and from sand and hot pavements in summer.

Answer by Nancy M
They are not terribly good at dealing with extremes of temperament given they have a single layer of a short, tight coat. That said, they aren't meant to be outside anyway as they are bred to be companion animals and not yard dawgs. No knowledgeable, responsible breeder would place a Doberman with you if you were not planning on it living inside with you and your family and only going out for short-term exercise and relief of their bowel and bladder.

I have lived all over the country with Dobermans, including in Vermont, and they did fine but again, they were not neglected and left outside nor would I have placed one with anyone who had that intent.

Answer by ♥Cristina&hea
NOT good. They can go out for potty, and a good romp but to live, NO WAY!
That is why police officers use German Shepherds more than Dobermans because Dobermans cannot be in cold weather very long without being cold. Especially snow.
But if the dog is inside, and spends 95% of its wintertime indoors than I would say that it is okay.
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