How Well a German Shepherd Gets Along with Other Dogs?

Q: How well a German Shepherd gets along with other dogs?
We have an 11 years old Miniature Pinscher and we are thinking of a German Shepherd puppy. Will the two dogs get along if we socialize them together from when GSD is a puppy? I've heard German Shepherds have low compatibility with other dogs.  Thanks for the help!

Answers and Views:

Answer by Bonzie
My German Shepherds got along well with all types of dogs. It depends on how well they are socialized when they are growing up. Your older dog may not like the playfulness of your puppy at first but they should get used to each other eventually.

German Shepherd gets along well with other dogGerman Shepherd gets along well with other dog
Photo Credit: MarilynJane/Flickr CC

Answer by suckerluv
They should get along together with no problem.
The GSD puppy should be fine and wouldn't much need all that attention but the dog you already have might be the problem.
So that you don't have any, make sure you introduce them when they are most calm (example: while the dog is taking a nap, wake them up gently) then introduce them slowly (supervise them).

GSD sometimes doesn't get along with other dogs (if not well socialized) but when puppies, they might be scared at first from big adult dogs but they are mostly friendly and playful.
So don't rush the dogs and just be patient and gentle.
Let them play, just see the dog's reaction toward each other, and don't forget to use tasty treats like cheese so that they know that being with the other dog is a good thing.

If the reactions are shy or just avoiding each other, then don't push and force them together!
Just lore them together with treats and let them be together in the same room (doesn't have to be close but just in the same room).
Might take a few days or hours (or minutes) you never know :-)
good luck~


Answer by Carol
German shepherd dogs can be aggressive with other dogs. The best way to see if they get along is to watch them playing together. If they are chasing each other, biting each other, growling at each other, or barking at each other then they are not compatible. If they sniff around, run after one another, and bark playfully then you have a good match.

Answer by jim k
The Miniature Pinscher gets along well with other dogs when they are raised together from a young age. If you have a Miniature Pinscher and want to introduce another dog into the home, make sure you take it slow and give them time to become friends.

A lot depends on the German Shepherd's temperament. Some of them are more dominant and will bully the Min Pin, while others are more submissive and will avoid it.

Answer by rod
German Shepherds are known for being a bit territorial and bossy. However, they can get along with small dogs if the owner is patient and has a good relationship with their German Shepherd.
Dogs are naturally pack animals which means that they’re always looking for a higher-ranking male or female in the pack to follow. German Shepherds are also naturally loyal and obedient.

VIDEO: Husky totally confused by German Shepherd puppy addition
Check out how the Siberian Husky reacts to a new German Shepherd puppy. Do you think they will get along well?

Answer by Staci
When my German shepherd was a puppy I had a 6-year-old collie and we were worried that my collie wouldn't get on with the puppy or vise versa but they get on fine. My collie sometimes growls at my german shepherd even now who is now a year and a half but he's just showing her who is boss and she backs straight down.

So chances are your miniature pinscher will keep the puppy in its place, and the puppy will grow up with respect for your older dog and will learn what not to do.

Answer by Hawk M
It all depends on how they are brought up. We had a Belgian Shepherd ( a HUGE German Shepherd, 150 lbs) and we also had a Westy, a rabbit, a chicken, and several cats.
He got along fine with all of them.

Answer by l
We had a German Shepard/Australian Cattle Dog mix and he was not a fan of any other dogs. We got a Doberman puppy and had to keep the two separate or watch them at all times because he would go after the puppy even once he got much bigger. :(

Answer by Ute Stockinger
We have the same problem, we added another GSD puppy to our family but our 8-year-old GSD (male) does not like the new puppy. The puppy is now 5 months old and we still keep them separated. Our 8-year-old GSD bit him twice already (the first time we had to make a trip to the ER because he bit him pretty hard and broke one of the little bones in his chaw bones). I'm too scared to have them together again now. Not sure what to do.

Answer by ZaDaDR Magic
If well-socialized, then GSDs shouldn't have any problem with other dogs. My girlie doesn't really care about other dogs much, but I use her to socialize a dog-shy Husky pup that my friend owns, who was attacked as a baby.

Answer by Lizzie
I think they should be fine.
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