How To Make my Samoyed's Fleas Go Away?

dwilson: How do I make the fleas go away?
I give my female Samoyed Advantage once a month and a flea dip once a month, and I still found 2 on her yesterday. She is super fluffy. I feel so bad for her because they make her itch. What else can I do for her?

Answers and Views:

Answer by Canis
Bathe every week to two weeks, use Frontline on a regular basis, brush her with a flea comb every day, and use a flea-killing product on your lawn.

Siberian Samoyed portraitSiberian Samoyed portrait
Image by changinglifestyles/Pixabay

Answer by
The fleas are probably living in your house. So you have to treat your carpet and couches and anything like that with a flea spray. Just treating the animal won't kill the fleas that are already living in your house.

Answer by x_itz_sydney_x
My dog is really fluffy too. We use Frontline plus ( i think it is ). Your Samoyed might also just need more baths but don't bathe her too much cuz then her skin will get flaky and itchy.

Answer by Terry D
Poor Baby – I hear Boric Acid is very good. It kills fleas both by causing dehydration and by acting as a stomach poison. Sprinkle some on your carpets, etc. Leave for a day or two and then vacuum.
When bathing your dog, you can use apple cider vinegar to rinse her fur. Fleas don't like the smell or taste.
You can also use lavender, lemongrass, peppermint, and citronella as they repel fleas. Dab oils between the dog's shoulder blades.

Answer by Bozema
Sometimes the fleas get resistant to one spot on flea product (especially late in the season) and you need to switch to the other one – Frontline. I would do that the next time you are due for monthly treatment. After a few months, you can switch back to Advantage.

In the meantime, skip the dip and have the vet give you a pill called Capstar – it is short-acting but will kill every flea off of her for the short term. You can also give her regular baths in a normal dog shampoo – the fleas will drown.

Flea combs are effective – but it will take you about 20 hours to do a Samoyed, so I don't think that will work for you. Vacuum the carpets and upholstery several times and throw away the bag and then wash all bedding (hers and yours) in hot water. This should really cut down on the fleas without a lot of chemicals in your house.

If there are signs of a major infestation in the house (you are seeing them and getting bitten too), call a professional exterminator – they are more targeted and less toxic than setting off a flea bomb that spews chemicals all over the house).

Dips, sprays, and bombs are very toxic to dogs and not all that effective. A switch to Frontline from Advantage (and back again later) should stop the resistance problem – some people alternate the two products each month.

Bayer Flea, Tick and Mosquito Prevention on Amazon (ad)

Answer by momma dog
I just hate fleas!!!!!
I would get a good home flea spray with a growth inhibitor in it.
Remove your dog, children from the house while you do this… spray all furniture, rugs, carpets, baseboards in your home. Then go somewhere for a few hours and let the stuff work. When you come back, open windows and allow the house to air out before letting children, dog & yourself back in. Then, vacuum everything! Throw away the vacuum bag.

Vacuum every day for the next week. It also helps to put a flea collar in your vacuum bag. This is the best use I have ever found for these things.

Flea control for your dog is also required. I like Frontline Plus. More expensive but worth it!

Answer by Laura
I use an old-fashioned flea comb if I see any wayward fleas between my dogs' monthly preventative doses.

Answer by Nelly B
I spray my dog with Frontline every 3 weeks (when she gets a bath) and I have never spotted a tick or a flea on her. You should try that and have your apt or home fumigated as fleas are very easy to live anywhere….

Answer by The Mogwai King
Shave her. Bathe her. Then bomb your house.

Answer by Harmoni
Using flea shampoo for dogs is not that effective. Never bathe your Samoyed too often, this could cause sickness and dryness of the skin.
I found that Frontline works best for me and my dogs but it has quite a price on it and you'll have to look to find the cheapest kind online.

Also Read:

Answer by Harmoni
Frontline is great! Do not waste your money on flea collars. I did and it was definitely a waste of money.

Answer by Pit Bull
For $4.94 you can get a 5lbs bag of 5% Sevin dust nothing more potent. I use this on my dog because all these top-of-the-line fleas and tick shampoo do not work as well.

I have used 5% sevin dust for a year now, and my dog flea and tick free by 99.9% every once in a blue moon will I see them scratch and that's it, they get dusted about every two weeks, this has been around ever since before fleas and tick shampoo came out.
Note anything more potent than 5% can irritate your dog's skin.

You should try it, the only reason I am saying this is because I have been doing it for a long time, and it is very effective.


Answer by reddogcudda
Let me tell you what I did to rid fleas one time, we had just moved in a new home, ( well new for us), but the people who lived there before we did had dogs in the house, it had a lot of fleas, well I went and looked up info on how to rid the little buggers.

I found that if you scrub down your floors with bleach water it would help a lot, but also I found out that, while you scrub the floor with bleach water, that the fleas could jump as high as 2 ft up, so I was told that when I scrub-ed the floors to also scrub at least 2 ft up the wall because when the cleaner, hit the floor they would not like it and will jump on the walls, so I scrub-ed the wall also, and it got rid of the little buggers, fast.

Now you may not want to use bleach water, I did because I had hard wood floors that were really built up with wax, and it needed cleaning any how, I guess you could use a strong cleaner, but remember that they will jump up at least 2 ft, so clean any near by walls also.
it does work, and I wish you good luck.

Answer by lacedlace125
My vet recommends Frontline. Don't use flea collars, they don't work. Answer by Harmoni

Answer by Chris T
Frontline is the best and then advantage. Although they are both quite expensive.

Answer by deb c
I have had success with a mixture of Martha Gardiner's eucalyptus wool wash in a spray bottle mixed with a bit of water. Fleas hate eucalyptus and it kills them dead. I live in nth qld and we wash our dogs in this as well.

Answer by Frost
use Frontline TopSpot and your Samoyed will become a walking "flea eliminator" it works via the sebaceous glands of the skin and kills 100% of fleas within 24hrs and lasts for 1 month. It is also waterproof, so you can still wash your dog. it is non-toxic, as it does not contain the dangerous pesticides that flea collars, powders, bombs, dips, etc. contain. it's safe to use around children. it will eliminate your problem.
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