How to Make my Pit Bull's Ears to Stand Up After Cropping?

Darnell P: What can I do if my Pit Bull pup's ears won't stand up after cropping?
I have a Pit Bull puppy about 2 months old now, and his ears were cropped last month. The ears are totally healed but they don't stand up properly.

Should I tape them with the same kind of support? Will that help or has the ear hardened? This is my baby and I really want to help him.

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Answer by longhorns22
the ears may or may not ever stand. my method is to take the cardboard tampon tubes, remove the inner absorbent part. put the tube as deep in the ear canal and extend the tube out to the tip of the ear to get the appropriate length.

Pit Bull puppy with cropped earsPit Bull puppy with cropped ears
Photo Credit: VeganCyclist from Pixabay

start with regular size tampons. once you do this tape the 2 pieces of tube together and make another one.

now take an athletic tape and start wrapping at one end all the way around the tube then reverse the wrap so the sticky side is on the outside. wrap the entire tube down to the bottom. tear off about 2) 6-inch strips of tape (2" tape) and 2(strips about 1/4 inch wide and about 2 inches long.

insert the tube in the ear canal as deep as possible and stretch the ear upwards as you stick it to the tube.

take the largest strip of tape and wrap around the bottom of the ear. do not pull too tight as to cut off circulation, just enough to hold the tube and ear in place. then take the small strip and wrap around the top of the ear. do this with the other ear.

now have someone help you with this part. tear you off a fairly long tape that will encircle both ears. have your friend hold the dog's ears vertically up in the position they should stand naturally. starting at one ear start the tape across the bottom of the ear just above the head and tape across to the other ear bring it to the front and as you come around the first ear let the tape stick to the back part and continue with the tape over to the first ear.

you can leave them up for up to a week but they rarely last that long. some recommend as soon as ear drops to put them back up but I always let mine rest for a day and start again. be pt. some dogs take up to a year to get their ears to stand. some stand when they stop teething. good luck. there are many sites on the web that you can google how to wrap a pit bull's ears.

Answer by homesforallpets
ear cropping is disgusting and cruel they do not even give painkillers for the pups. Leave the ears alone, if nature meant for them to be short and upright they would be!!!!

Answer by Matt Cazzell
How many people bitching about cropping a dogs ears would jump at the chance to get a nose job or liposuction for a few hundred bucks or get their ears trimmed..i know I hate my ears. I would love to get them trimmed myself. So, why don’t all you people bitching about cropping ears just drop it.

Answer by Jordan&Daniel
my pitbull puppy has her ears done 1 week ago and only one ear is sticking up not the other one, what should I do she won't keep the tape on her ear, and they have almost healed all the way.

She was never in pain unless she scratched her ears, at least she never acted like it, she was her normal self right after surgery, so noone don't tell me its cruel.
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