How to make my dog poop in a particular spot?

biker_kalle: how to make my dog poop in a particular spot in the yard?
i have a year old Caucasian shepherd (female) and she has gotten into a habit of sh!tting all over my yard during the winter. i never really noticed until now because of the snow, but now that it has melted i would like to train her to do her stuff in one place.
caucasian ovcharka girlcaucasian ovcharka girl

Answers and Views:

Answer by I'z smore smrter than you is
Well, if you start with a tiny pup, it will go faster, but where she's been allowed to go all over, it takes twice as long to break the habit.
Now, by 'one place', you can have a corner of the yard, or some area thats 5'x5', its not the EXACT same spot.
You take her out on leash, take her to the spot.....WAIT...and WAIT and WAIT...when she goes ...LOTS & LOTS of praise,,,I say "good go pee", no mater pee or poo.
if she goes somewhere NOT correct her && do NOT praise her.
it will take months to break the habit of going anywhere she wants and anytime she's allowed to go somewhere else in the yard, tack another week of walking her to the "spot" on a leash and lots of praise when she goes there.

After a number of months, 2-3 for a new pup whos never been allowed to go anywhere,,they will understand...thats the spot and you can let them roam the yard...and when they have to go...magically they will go to 'the spot'
Like when you house trained the dog && started to catch on, ohhh, I'll go outside to pee && then figured out, I'll wait by the door and they'll let me out to some point the dog goes, ohhh, this is where i go!
All about good praise at the right time and lots & lots & lots of practice

Answer by Andy B
Pick up ALL the poops with a shovel and put it in the spot you want her to go in. She will learn fairly quickly that that is "HER" spot to go, it wont take much time at all as long as the spot has her smell ALL around it. My dog does it, where I used to live and at my new place.

Answer by Phil
also use sand. Dogs and cats love peeing and pooping in sand …. and it is … if the right sand .. reasonably easy to clean off the paws …. 5×5 with sand will do it nicely. Take the poop over as suggested above and mix it up with the sand. I am in favour of nose rubbing if in the wrong spot … but your Caucasian Ovcharka is a little big for that now :)

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