How to Get Rid of my Shar Pei's Rash and Bad Smell?

kelseykia: How can i get rid of my Shar Pei's rash and bad smell?
I have a ten-month-old Shar Pei, she has itchy skin and bites it till it bleeds, her skin also smells very bad. She has always had this problem and after a couple of treatments at the vets, all he now can suggest is monthly shots.

She has had antibiotics a couple of times before for an ear infection and her skin seemed 2 clear up only when she was taking the tablets and returning as soon as she had finished the course.

Could the rash be some sort of infection?

collared shar pei dogcollared shar pei dog
Photo Credit: Eyesplash - let's feel the heat/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by I love mutts but Hate BYBs!
This question should be asked at the vet. Sounds like she needs new med for rash, have vet done a skin scrap? and use UV light to see if there is ringworm?

Answer by Shirley
Give your Shar-pei a teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil in their food every day. I mix my dog’s food with some warm water and a teaspoon of coconut oil. It helps to lubricate the skin and gradually you will see hair growing back. Very good for digestion and gut problems too. Bath your dog once every two months. Never bathe a shar pei too much. Brush regularly and clean face eyes and ears often.

Answer by tough_mutts
Has your vet ruled out allergies? Most Shar-Peis are allergic to things ranging from grass to dust to chicken and beef. My Shar-mix is allergic to beef, chicken, pork, pine-sol, bees, wasps, fleas, mosquitoes, and certain types of flowers (rashes!!)

Usually, when an allergen is affecting a dog, it STARTS as an ear infection, especially in this breed. You should eliminate common causes of allergen and see if that helps. Keep up with your regular vet, and consult a holistic one, because a holistic vet could offer advice on raw food diets or allergen-free kibbles.


Be sure to keep up with a routine for ear cleaning and bathing. Use gentle soaps – there are several at the pet supply stores that have calming effects on itchy skin, or you could go with a traditional oatmeal bath.
It sounds like an allergy – and as long as you are working with your vet(s) you can absolutely manage this for your puppy. Be careful, however, as a smell usually indicates an infection, usually from the scratching that allows bacteria to enter the wound and cause what's known as a secondary infection. You don't want it to be left untreated, you know?

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Answer by kirbster42
Continue to work with your vet to try to determine what is wrong, if you are not happy with what your vet is telling you, get a second opinion. Try to find a vet familiar with shar pei's and their skin problems.

Rash and bad smell could be an allergy, try changing your Shar Pei's food to a grain free diet (grains are a very common allergen in dogs). Adding fish oils to her food would help moisturize dry skin. Make sure she is clean and DRY in the wrinkles so no infection/yeast/etc can grow in there but do not bathe her too often as this can be very irritating as well.

Have the vet do some tests to determine if there is an infection but I still recommend looking at her food as it could be contributing to her problems.
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