How to Get Rid of Bulldog’s Smell?

Q: What is the best way to get rid of an English Bulldog's smell?
My bulldog is very smelly. We bathe him, but he smells within a few days or a week. How can the good smell last?
We have him groomed once a month.

Answers and Views:

Answer by kristen
We had a problem with our Brutus skinking really bad! We give him probiotic pills and fish oil pills every morning along with an egg in his dog food. I've heard probiotics would help his smell and it must have worked.

We used to give him a bath every 4 days because he would produce such a smell that I couldn't take it! Now I haven't bathed him in a week and he still smells great although I take baby wipes every day to his wrinkles and his butt. He also gets daily brushings.

bulldog wrinkles headbulldog wrinkles head
Photo Credit: tang*lee/Flickr CC

Answer by Jess
Stop bathing him too much. Dogs should only be bathed once every six months unless obviously dirty. Daily brushing will keep them clean and their coats healthy between baths. Overbathing will lead to dry itchy skin. It also strips the dog's skin of its natural oils, when this happens the skin goes into overload to make more, and creates more dog smell.

The more you bathe, the more your dog is going to smell. Also, dry itchy skin can lead to skin infections such as staph or yeast.

Diet can also play a factor in doggie odor as well. Switch your dog to higher-quality food and in a few weeks, you should notice less doggie odor as well. Nothing you find at a grocery store is going to be good food. High-quality foods can be found at large pet store chains, or online.

Answer by spiralia8
Besides the bathing discussion, it could also be the dog's anal glands. Normally dogs expel them on their own which would cause your dog to smell. Sometimes they get impacted and need to be expelled manually. You can do this yourself if you are brave, or the vet can do this for you. Good luck.

Answer by peachesdeese
Keep his wrinkles clean. Bathe him no more than every couple of weeks. Use a clean washcloth and plain water to clean under his wrinkles….dry him and put baby powder in his wrinkle folds. It will help tremendously!

Answer by iluvmyfrenchbulldogs
Bulldogs are a stinky breed. They produce extra oils in their skin that causes them to get a doggy odor. Also, they often get infections in their wrinkles that will cause them to stink. There is not much that you can do, but it does help to put them on a super premium dog food (I really like Natural Balance for my Bullies) and clean the wrinkles daily. The Natural Balance also really helps with the flatulence that Bullies usually always have.

MalAcetic Wet Wipes cleanse and assist in treating skin problems (Amazon #ad)

Answer by the foolish fox
Change his diet.

Answer by dog whisperer
Keep the wrinkles on his face clean. use an antibacterial soap and clean them daily. really get in there and scrub it. rinse it well!!!!!! rinse the cloth very well and make sure you get all soap residue out. wipe it out REALLY well, then dry it THOROUGHLY with a dry towel!!!!

Doing it daily. after a while, it may mean you just have to wipe it with a clean cloth and dry it, then just really scrub it about once a week. the wrinkles hold a lot of moisture and bacteria. between the eyes tearing, and the slobber, there are lots of bacteria in there.

Have to do it just as I said, or you won't see results. don't know about the baby powder thing. it sounds good because the powder absorbs moisture and odors. but the buildup of the powder could cause more problems.

Answer by Bullyzistin
You need to clean his wrinkles every day.
I use Malacetic Wet wipes for my bulldog.
My bulldog doesn't smell even though I don't bathe her often. it's not true that they have oily skin. All this bathing is bad for your doggie.
Also read:

Answer by gessica_jallagher
There's not really a way to make him smell good forever. Dogs are just smelly animals. But if you get him groomed at PetSmart they put this apple-scented perfume on their back. My dog sure smelled a lot better when they did that. Good Luck!

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