How to get my German Shepherd and Jack Russell to Mate?

Q: How do I get my German Shepherd and Jack Russell to mate?
How do I get my German Shepherd and Jack Russell to mate? I guess I'll start by tying them up together closely for a few days straight. Any other suggestions?

Answers and Views:

Answer by S H
You don't, you get them spayed or neutered, immediately.
Don't add to the problem of shelter dogs, please.

Jack Russel dog headJack Russel dog head
Photo Credit: Oldiefan/Pixabay

Answer by K
Too many physical limitations, too much difficulty. You couldn't help them. You'd have to hold the JRT up, but the GSD wouldn't standstill.
In order to do that, you'd need to have artificial insemination done, and unless you paid the Doc a lot, I'd doubt they'd purposefully make this breed.

If you pursue this, I sure hope the female is the German Shepherd Dog, because the pregnancy would end up killing a female Jack Russell.

Answer by LaPagan
YOU CAN, AND (if for the right reasons) YOU SHOULD!

Here we have a classic case of the ignorant leading the bind. Jack Russell Shepherds have become a highly sought-after mix breed for ranching and farming in the US Midwest. I own several. They are intelligent and highly trainable (similar to my full German Shepherds, and energetic mousers-great for killing squirrels and moles (thanks to the Jack heritage and smaller size).

This mix from purebreds fetches around $1,200 apiece from good stock here in Texas. HOWEVER-if you aren’t planning on having these animals trained as working dogs, or you don’t live in an area where they would be particularly useful, do spay/neuter.

These prize mutts are typically the result of artificial insemination. There have been successful natural breeds of these two, but I’d hate to see animals suffer because a human-forced the breeding.


Answer by buck fush
Don't breed your German Shepherd with your Jack Russel, we don't need more dead dogs on the side of the road and stuck in shelters. and you don't even know how to get them to breed, much less anything else about it.
grow up kiddo

Answer by Stark
My suggestion is to get them both spayed/neutered. Why do you want to create More mixed breed puppies? Who is going to buy your mixed breed puppies? What happens if No One wants to buy them?

They will most likely end up in an animal shelter, just like all the other Mixed breeds dogs who are already looking for homes. The Pet Overpopulation is already out of control. Please don't add to it. Please get your dogs spayed and neutered.

Answer by Meranda
They can mate I have a miniature JR & a big German Shepard cross & the two managed to find a way I didn’t think it could be physically possible because of the height difference. I. Wouldn’t recommend it though, JR would most certainly die giving birth.

We’ve to get our dog spade while she’s in heat to prevent any pregnancy. She’s a rescue dog we got in March & She wasn’t spayed before now due to an infection she got from eating dog poop (ew) & then when she finished her antibiotics she was already in heat.

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