How to get my Basset Hound to not Smell that Bad?

Q: How do I get my Basset Hound to not smell that bad?
We recently got a Basset Hound puppy and he's is so wonderful. I love everything about him except that he smells. Even when you give him a bath about 30 minutes later he smells again. Is there something for Basset Hounds like a shampoo or is there a remedy that will help keep him from having a bad odor?
Basset Hound lying outside on a deckBasset Hound lying outside on a deck
Photo Credit: donjd2/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Bogie
check to see if the odor is coming from his ears. he may have ear mites or an ear infection.

Answer by dogboi21
What are you feeding him? It could be his diet that's making him smell! Check his ears! Bassets have long ears that need to be dried immediately after getting wet! He could have fungus or mites in his ears!

Answer by Brooke
Baxter (my 11 y/o Basset) used to get that “hound” smell 3/4 into being blown dry. I tried SOOOO many different types of shampoos for odor & nothing seemed to work. I read about vinegar on Pinterest (…I know) & it’s used in disinfecting bacteria on pets. I give him a quick wash & rinse to loosen up any dirt on the top, then pour vinegar (warmed up so it doesn’t shock or cause anxiety) from the back of his neck to his tail. I usually let it sit a minute or two…he’s impatient. I then rinse & complete with a deep wash & rinse.

I know this sounds like A LOT but it works! Side note: The vinegar is a disinfectant, so it will kill the bacteria that cause smell but also bacteria if they have any open cuts or wounds. I wouldn’t advise using vinegar if they have any skin issues or have been scratching a lot. I know it doesn’t hurt the wound, but it’s not worth the discomfort it causes them.
I hope this helps you out!

Answer by Basset on the '
Basset Hounds tend to have a houndy odor. It comes with the breed.
That said, have the vet check him over for problems, such as ears, anal glands, skin infections, lip fold infections, tooth problems, etc.

1/ If the dog is yeasty, you can try a disinfecting shampoo/soap, and DRY VERY WELL. Dampness, especially in wrinkles, flews, armpits and between toes, encourages yeast and bacteria which is smelly.

2/ Other than that there are some shampoos I like which have a strong perfume and overcome the hound smell for a few days – La Pooch, Oats Fur Coats (Kelco), and Lambert Kay Fresh and Clean with baking soda.

3/ You can also try a vinegar or Listerine rinse after the bath. Pour over the dog, make sure you get everywhere and let it dry on.

4/ Look at what you are feeding him. Many Basset owners report a reduction in the odor when switching to a corn-free food.

Recommended puppy food on Amazon

Answer by Gary
Ears don’t explain the entire body of every Basset smelling like rot. The breed has a gland secretion. Food will help- a little. Shampooing will actually make it worse. This is an extremely man-made breed. It’s just an unfortunate side effect.

Answer by Kelnason
Check ears for ear infections. They should be clear of any smells or wax or dirt build-up. If they do smell a bit, you can apply hydrogen peroxide to a cotton ball and wipe out the ear canal.

Use a dog face soap on the face at bath time. It needs to be a soap-free formula. Dogs' faces and ears are commonly missed at the bathing time, and over time can start to keep that stank to em.

If your Basset's body is stinky, buy liquid ivory dish detergent. Dilute it to about 1/4 inch in the bottom of a 1litre bottle. Shake well. Use as a shampoo. Be sure to rinse out very well. The best way to rinse a dog is to get a portable shower head. They cost less than 10 dollars. If this is not possible make sure to dump a lot of buckets of water on him to get him squeaky clean.

You should blow dry your basset's ears after bath time, as moisture can allow bacteria to grow in the ears.
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