Нow to Eliminate Dog-Like Odor in a Siberian Husky?

Q: I have a Siberian Husky and he smells very dog-like, how do I eliminate this odor?
I have read that Siberian Huskies are low odor dogs but my 2-month-old husky smells. And oh yeah, I've been giving him a bath 2 times a week.
Siberian Husky getting a bathSiberian Husky getting a bath
Photo Credit: K Teezy/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Reece Braveheart Aussies
Look for an odor shampoo, like a skunk odor shampoo or something like that. A strong odor shampoo.

Answer by Loki Wolfch
Bathing a dog twice a week destroys the natural oils in their coat and skin — no wonder your poor dog smells, his coat and skin aren't functioning like they should.

Siberians are generally very low odor dogs…have you talked to your breeder about the problem? A responsible breeder can provide plenty of information.

He may continue to smell "doggy" until he gets his adult coat next year. Bathing him often WON'T help, and will only make matters worse. I have Siberians who go their entire (14+ year) lives without a bath. If you can't deal with his current odor, buy a dog-odor spray at the pet store and spritz him with it.

Answer by Anna B
the best thing ever for keeping your dog smelling fresh between baths is tea tree oil. just dab it on a cotton ball and lightly rub it over his/her coat every couple of days! it is also really good for cleaning tough dirt off your dogs at bath time (my dogs get tree sap on their coats all the time when they are outside and the tea tree oil just brings it right off)! hope this helps!

Answer by Kevin Jonas ♥
well lets just put it this way GIVE THE DOG A BATH

Answer by Rob M
Our pooch got skunked the other morning, and I was at our local pet store when it opened for a remedy. They recommended Stinky Dog Shampoo, and it worked quite well on that, so I'm sure it would be good for lesser stinks as well. For skunk, I'd recommend sopping up as much of the spray as possible with a paper towel, then using Stinky Dog shampoo.

Answer by Kathryn
Hi, about the dog odor, you should check with your vet. It is not advisable to bathe your animal too often, the oils on their skin protect them. Brush your dog every day, the dog will love it as you will be removing a lot of debris and dander which can build up causing odors. We have had dogs in our family for more than five generations and we do not breed them or sell them, Some dogs are smelly because they are active and roll around in the dirt. Please do not over wash your dog. We vacume our house often and mop floors. You can buy a product called ODOBAN at Lowes or Walmart or online which will remove dog odor from carpets and furniture, never never use this on your dog.

Truly, dogs are not people and they do not smell the same way we do you can't expect a dog to smell like a person. It troubles me you haven't seen a vet, your dog might have an infection causing a bad smell. Also, check out dog treats which are good for their dental hygiene. One of our dogs had an abscess which required removal of a tooth, this can be prevented by feeding the dog dry food and treats which clean their teeth, there is also dog toothpaste.

My aunt has a 15-year-old dog, she brushes her dog's teeth about once a week, ask your vet to show you how. Don't give up on the dog, owning a dog is a responsibility, you will be rewarded with years of love and devotion. Have fun with your dog, they are amazing companions.

Answer by L.Wisowaty
The Stinky Dog shampoo is good because it does get rid of the stinky dog smell. The only thing is it doesn't really have any fragrance so after a bath the dog doesn't really smell fresh. In fact, the dog smelled like a wet dog until he was completely dry. I wasn't that I didn't use enough, in fact, I used about one-third of the bottle to be sure I didn't skimp to really get the dog clean. I actually used Bobbi Panter Natural Moisturizing Dog Shampoo which I think works great and leaves poochie smelling great.

Answer by Chloe
I have a husky that's 2 years old now, for his first 6 months we mistakenly bathed him every 2 weeks and he’d always have loose hair, the “dog smell” is actually all that dead hair, so we started giving him a bathe once a month whenever its hot out and every 2 months when its cold out, plus whenever we let him sleep in our room which is airconditioned he tends to smell better over time, finally we started having him groomed by a pet center and they do a really good job of removing his loose hair and making him smell a million bucks, we only have him groomed once every 2 months or when his shedding season reaches its climax because we don't yet have a shop vac powerful enough to do the job right, he's a really good boy and doesn't dig holes or play with mud and never poos or pees anywhere but the toilet, he's such a good boy :3
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