How to build muscle tone on a pit bull puppy?

Lil Bit: what is the best thing to use to build muscle tone on a pitbull puppy? 
i have a 4 month old blue nose pitbull puppy. i want to add muscle tone to her. how do i do that? or what is the best thing to use to add to her food?
blue nose pitbull puppy photoblue nose pitbull puppy photo
Photo Credit: rafael-castillo/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Santa Got Ran Over By Terry!
She's a puppy. She will fill out when she's full grown, just give her some time.

Answer by The Dream
you dont want to really work a pup. just games like fetch and going on walks every day mixed with a decent dogfood will get great results especially with this breed. if you supplement an apbt and try to bulk it up you will just have a fat dog. hit me up when ur dog is closer to a yeah and i will give u some more exercises. if you work a pup to hard now you will regret it! if u want more info hit me up

Answer by Keith
Yea i agree with u…i dont neccessarily want to bulk my pup up but i jyst want to make sure im doin wut i should be doing food and exercise wise that will ensure that my bluenose looks real sharp…tobed and shiny coat and just all around healthy…im not sure the exact age of my pup or weight…6 days ago i was given a female blue pup…shes all grey…the person that gave her to me said she was around 4 months old…her name is Pandora…

Pandora was obviously malnutrtioned…she was fighting 4 other pits for food daily…she was so skinny…in just six days i cn already see a difference…i def see weight gain…when she got to my apt she poopd and pee’d so many times a day in my place i wantd to scream…but with a lil patience..a leash and sum dog treats ive already got her doin her thang outside…she isnt telln me yet but i just take her out alot…i keep her food bowl full all day and night…should i not…i want to do anything i cn that is healthy and safe to make her the most beautiful pit she cn be…any advice would be greatly appreciated… Keith out of Tulsa Ok

Answer by Kate
BULLY MAX!!! Its all vitamins and it is vet recommended

Answer by hahachick
you shouldn't be trying to add "muscle tone" to a puppy. Just walk her at least once a day to allow her to get excercise. It can be damaging to their developing bones and muscles if you are trying to push them too much.

Just feed her a healthy dog food geared towards puppies and mother nature will take care of the rest
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