How to get my Beagle and German Shepherd to Get Along?

Tiffany: How can I get my Beagle and my German Shepherd puppy to get along?
I have a 10-year-old Beagle and a 5-month-old German Shepherd. Whenever the German Shepherd comes near the Beagle, the Beagle barks and then they get into a small (but aggravating) fight. Please help me find a solution!

Mature Beagle portrait on the lawnMature Beagle portrait on the lawn
Photo Credit: JOSÉ SOMOVILLA/Pixabay

Answers and Views:
Answer by ToPSHoTTa7
Yeah, ya see, you need to set rules and boundaries for both dogs so that the Beagle will accept the shepherd into the pack.

Answer by BlazerDiver
I have watched the "Dog Whisperer" on nat-geo some time ago.
He has both dogs lie down near each other, belly-up, and stay that way! Until they relax and start to pant. The one who starts the fight is the one who needs to be laying down, for sure! Belly-up is a submissive posture and puts him in a position to give up.

Answer by Glorianne L
I just went through the same thing, we have 2 Beagles, one is 14 or so, one is 7 and the new one is 7 months.
The problem was with the middle dog, she really didn't know how to play and she was jealous.
After a few days, she came around and now likes the pup. Still, she wouldn't play with her.

You need to be sure that the pup doesn't pester the older dog, at 10 she may not want to play anymore, not knowing the energy level of the Beagle it is hard to tell.
My two started playing with each other after the older one saw her playing with another dog, she seemed interested, then after a few times of watching she started to get involved in the play.

When they growl they are letting the other dog know their boundaries, it is normal and it is instinct. It's how dogs communicate.
Just keep a close eye on them when they are together in case it escalates. Give them time, they should become friends soon.

Don't forget the new dog may be viewed as a replacement or as taking away the older dog's attention so make sure you give the older one as much or more attention than before the new dog came home.
Again, give them some time, the Beagle was an only pet before from what I can gather, so this is a big change for her.

In addition, I have to add this… don't reprimand the older dog for being upset, the Beagle is going through a transition, and the German Shepherd is in the Beagle's territory, it is only natural for the Beagle to act like that, just keep it in check…

Answer by DeeDawg
when the beagle barks you need to give it a firm shake of the collar and yell NO. the dog needs to understand that he must behave.
when the pup goes to bug him, you need to give him a shake too and a NO.
if you allow dogs to fight, they will. if you train them not to, they won't.

when they are being good, have them both lay down in the kitchen and say their names and then give them a treat one at a time. if they are both good, they get treats and hugs. if one shows aggression, he gets ordered out of the room, and the other dog continues to perform your commands and finish the treats.
remember that dogs do whatever their owners allow them to do.

Answer by Jenell
I have 5 dogs in my family, 1 female Yorkie 3 years old spayed, 1 male Shih Tzu 4 years old neutered, 2 male, neutered Beagles 11 yrs and 8 yrs old and 1 male German Shepherd 11 months old. When I brought my shepherd into the family about nine months ago all of the dogs got along and slept together, ate together and played together. Then one day my 8 yr old beagle just snapped and went after my shepherd and bit him on the stomach, we separated the two for a bit and thought it was just an isolated case.

About five hours later all of the dogs were sitting in the den and the 8 yr old Beagle went after the shepherd again and bit him. That was the final straw the shepherd bit the beagle back but went straight for the Beagles throat and head, in which he drew blood on the Beagle. We separated the two once again and have kept them separated ever since. This has been about 4 months now and they both get along with the other dogs in the house but if the Beagle is walking in the house when the shepherd is outside then the Beagle will run to the door and attack it to try and get the shepherd.

I have child/pet gates all throughout my home and it is getting old climbing over them just to get through my house. I am running out of ideas to help these two get along, and I fear that I will have to get rid of one of them which I do not want to do. They are both loving towards humans and the rest of the dogs accept each other, and I fear that they will get into a fight really bad and that the shepherd’s size and strength will overpower the Beagle and kill him.

I have watched the Dog Whisperer, had a trainer and spoke with the Vet as well, but I am so nervous about putting the two of them in the house around each other. When they have fought the German shepherd is so strong and I have s hard time breaking them up. As well as the Beagle keeps charging the shepherd.

Answer by Keico
Put them in the same room and let the Beagle go sniff the German Shepherd and see if he growls. If any sense of aggravation, then tap his nose and say bad and keep trying until they get along.
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