How Old should I Start Breeding my Female Saint Bernard?

Q: how old should i start breeding my saint bernard female?
I want to breed my female saint bernard and I would like to know what is the best age to breed her.

Female Saint Bernard dog lying on the snowFemale Saint Bernard dog lying on the snow
Photo Credit: Paula R. Lively/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by sunkissed299
I believe it is 18 months old. And everyone that's is saying not to breed these wonderful dogs or other pure breeds are simply ignorant.misinformed.these dogs need to be responsibly bred. they need that chance to prove themselves to be healthy vibrant animals and truly wonderful additions to the right homes. Breeding helps to ensure less sickness, better temperament, and longer lives. without the good breeders to breed out healthy animals we would be left with only sick dogs and high medical bills.i have two is a poorly bred black he has been fixed because I feel it is wrong to breed his problems into another generation.but we also have a very healthy saint and I will breed her and her puppies will be donated to responsible families and homes where they are needed and loved.

also.there are many children in foster many that when they turn 18 they are often cast right into the street and soon end up in jail. does that mean that newborn girls and boys should be "fixed" at birth? is there really that much difference between humans and animals.we all deserve the same respect.

Answer by lovemymutts_05
if you are set on breeding
you need to wait until our dog is at least one-year-old that way she is fully developed
I would also research the genetic disorders for that breed to be aware of any problems as the puppy grow

Answer by Bonsylar
For every puppy, you breed and find a home for you are killing a puppy in a shelter because that is one less home looking to adopt one.
Call a St. Bernard Rescue group in your area, your vet will have the number, and ask them how many homeless purebred puppies and dogs they have right now.
Please, PLEASE, please spay your dog. In addition to adding to the homeless pet problem, you don't know if your dog has the best genes of her breed to pass on to a new generation. Do you show her, has she won any points toward being the best of her breed?
If you can't pay, call animal control they have programs to help you.

Answer by Ashley
Adopted dogs are amazing well the ones that I had as a kid and a young adult. Now that I have children though I can not take the chance of having a dog with problems. I understand there are too many dogs and cats out there but some people want a dog that is a pure breed. Just because a pound or a resue says the dog is pure breed doesn't mean that it is. I need a dog that is healthy and has a good temperament that I can only find in an AKC pure breed. And for the person that keeps saying if you have to ask then don't breed. Are you serious how do you learn anything by not asking questions?

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