How Old does a Husky have to be to Breed?

Bonnie B: How old should a Siberian Husky be to be bred the first time?
When is the best age to breed a Siberian Husky?

Answers and Views:
Answer by DP
Not the 2nd heat. She should not be bred till she is at least 2 years of age, and has had all her breed-specific health testing done. You need to find out what Sibs are known for when it comes to health, and test for those things before breeding. Don't breed to a male that isn't health tested…

Answer by ozfozz
When he/she has Ch titles, hips and eyes certified and is at least 2 years of age.
Or never

woman holding husky puppies for salewoman holding husky puppies for sale
Photo Credit: coolinsights/Flickr CC

Answer by Peek URGENT prayers for Kira
why...(2nd heat)
there are so many that need homes
the shelters and rescues need gobs of homes for dogs and puppies...

Answer by Catherine P
At least 2 years old AND after a full health check by a veterinarian to make sure there aren't any problems. Without getting the dog finished through a regulated dog conformation program at champion status the pups won't be worth much. If you don't plan on showing and spending the money to finish the dog, then just get her fixed.

Answer by callmedaisy07
> She is CH titled (not her parents or grandparents, but HER)
> You have papers on her
> She is healthy and you have gotten ALL necessary testing done to show this
> Can honestly say one good thing about her that will BETTER the breed standard of huskies
> Already have a waitlist of potential homes for the unborn pups
> Have at least 5K to invest in your dog in order to breed

If you were trying to do this right, your BREED MENTOR would be telling you the correct age. But I bet you don't have one, or you wouldn't be asking YA.

A GOOD breeder doesn't make money off of their pups.
A GOOD breeder will barely break even (or anywhere near close)
A GOOD breeder wouldn't be breeding their dog because:
- my dog is so cute
- my dog needs to have just one litter (dogs aren't like people, they don't miss out not having sex. It actually makes them HEALTHIER not to be bred)
- blah blah blah
A GOOD breeder breeds a specific dog because they LOVE the breed and want to better it by ruling out any negative genes in the pool.

Find more info on showing your dog, join your local breed club, find a mentor and learn ALL YOU CAN from them, get some titles on her, get all the STD and other health testing on her ( do you really want to bring unsound, unhealthy, poor breed standard huskies into the world?), and then and ONLY then should you consider breeding her.

Answer by Mino
With the dog market like it is, and shelters overflowing id suggest to spay your dog and not breed.
if you are a responsible breeder you should already know...there's a lot that comes with breeding dogs, not just WAM BAM PUPPIES MONEY...
any dog shouldn't be bred until it is at least 2 or 2 1/2 years old and has been in heat 2+ times.

Answer by Mino
No dogs should be intentionally bred from before they are 2 years of age – doesn't matter what breed they are.
You have to understand why people act a little defensively. So many of us see so many sad cases of abuse and neglect… is so unnecessary. A lot of it is caused by irresponsible/backyard breeders. A lot of the people that responded to your question probably spend some of their time trying to help and find homes for the unwanted/neglected Siberian Huskies and dogs.
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