How Old Should Chihuahua Be Before Spayed?

Manx: How old should my Chihuahua be before I get her spayed?
My standard Chihuahua is six months old and she weighs around 2 pounds. I want to get her fixed, but I'm not sure how old she should be before I get the surgery done.
She is small for her age and breed, so will the surgery be riskier? My vet did a very good job when my other pets were fixed, but all of them are big dogs and she is so small.

Chihuahua in a towel on owner's handsChihuahua in a towel on owner's hands
Photo Credit: raybdbomb/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Eskimo Mom
You can have her fixed anytime after 4mo of age. Better sooner than later to prevent problems. Talk to her vet and see if he can perform the surgery since she is small for her age and breed or recommend someone who works on smaller dogs.

Answer by JTBW
I work for a vet and we spay as early as 4 months or 4 pounds, whichever comes first. So, at 6 months, your puppy is old enough.

Answer by chihuahua lady
Surgery is riskier with smaller pups. I had a 3 lb girl that I waited until she was 4 yr old to have her done because I was scared I would lose her. She did fine.

I know a couple of people who had smaller chis that had the surgery and did okay. I would just talk it over with your vet and see what they say. Surgery always carries a risk, for animals and humans.

You have to decide whether you are willing to risk the surgery or not. It is always the anesthesia that gets them. It is hard to know exactly how much to give one too small. If they get too much, they may not wake up.

Answer by Aduial
Most vets say between 4-6 months but honestly, you can get it done earlier. The humane society gets their puppies spayed and neutered at two months. So yes, most people say 4-6 months. Now is the time to do it. Price just depends on each vet. Expect maybe $ 100-200. Call your vet and ask.

Answer by bbyxluceee
I adopted my Chihuahua when he was 3 months, and he was already neutered, so I think it is safe for you to get her spayed sometime before 3 months. However, someone told me you should spay your dog after 5 months.

Answer by Lucy
Around six months is fine

Answer by Kelly F
She is at just the right age to have her spayed (around 6 months) and you want to make sure you do it before she goes into heat.

Answer by dobiegang
Ask your vet, but I'm pretty sure it is after her first heat.

Answer by Mindy
Your Chihuahua is old enough, you definitely want to get it done before her first heat cycle to minimize mammary cancer or eliminate pyometra.

Answer by yorkie lover
She is of the age to be spayed, she will soon go into heat and if you don't want her to have puppies do it now.

Answer by Susan H
I have 3 big dogs and 2 little dogs. The norm is the animal has to be at least 6 months of age. However, since your Chihuahua is so small I would take her to the vet for their advice.

Answer by DogLover
You CAN neuter after 12 weeks but it's best to wait 4-6 months.
My vet is a little pricey and he cost $ 235 but shelters and other vets go from $ 50, so it depends

Answer by Trisha S
Puppies can be spayed/neutered any time after 8 weeks of age. Some people wait until just before the dog becomes sexually mature, sometime around 6 months of age, depending on the breed.

Answer by Carol
6 mos. old is usually the best time for Chihuahua. Contact your local animal shelters to ask about who they would recommend for low-cost neutering in your area.

Answer by purplepaws121
I've never had a small dog fixed, but any animal should be six months old (at least) before it is fixed. My friend has a Chihuahua weighing about 6 pounds and he did just fine.
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