How Often should you take your Shih Tzu to get Groomed?

Q: How often to you take your Shih Tzu to get groomed?
My Shih Tzu just got groom about two or three weeks ago, he have fur covering his face again? Does this type of dog require high maintenance?
shih tzu bathingshih tzu bathing
Photo Credit: angela n./Flickr CC

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Answer by ice queen
It depends I have 4 Shih Tzus, and I clip them myself once a month. I have there coats very short and the clipping is high maintenance. it takes two hours a month per dog if you can learn to clip yourself then do it. it's cheaper and you actually get your dogs clipped when you want them

Answer by joanie m
Shih Tzu doesn't HAVE to be. Ask your groomer for a shorter puppy clip. Ask for the fur on the bridge of the nose to be clipped away and ask what it would cost for a "Mini Trim" in between grooms. A mini trim is a bath, nail trim, sanitary clip, clip in front of the eyes and trim feet. If you do a mini once every 4 weeks and a full groom every other time, he should be OK.

OR ask the groomer what the cost would be for just the nose bridge to be clipped every 2 or 3 weeks. Most groomers will offer small parts of grooms for very little money (5 to 10 $ ) because they can be done in minutes.

Answer by katslookup<Dodgin
Shi Tzu dog breed is DEFINITELY high maintenance. This is something that your breeder should have warned you about.

I usually have two of mine trimmed every 4-6 weeks. I have the hair around the eyes trimmed very short since it grows so fast. I also have two others that I am growing out, and I never have their hair around the face trimmed. I usually pull it back in a topknot.

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Answer by DeAnna ♫
That's very common. I have to do the same for my Shih Tzu .. Except, for the face grooming part I just do it myself. Give her a good trim so she can see! :) But for the summertime or hot days, I go to take her to get shaved .. I don't like it, but I can't stand the fact that she's miserable under all of that hair!

So, yes .. Shih Tzu grooming is a lot of maintenance .. especially around the eyes/ears where areas can easily become infected.

Answer by Cute
I own 3 Shih Tzu dogs, and they are high maintenance. We have them groomed about every 4-6 weeks.

Answer by teri f
I take my Shih Tzu to get groomed every 2 months or so.

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