How Much to Sell my Boxer Puppies for? (Usual Boxer Price)

sam: How much should I sell my Boxer puppies for?
I have a Flashy Fawn Female Boxer that is AKC and CKC registered. I have a light brindle male boxer that is only CKC registered. How much should I sell their puppies for… what's the usual price? They are BOXER puppies.
boxer fawn and brindle puppiesboxer fawn and brindle puppies
Photo Credit: Katie@!/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Nekkid Dog ©
Since the pups are only eligible for CKC...
Then see what the average adoption fee is for shelters in your area. That is what those puppies are worth.

Answer by David Gilbo
I paid 400 for my male and 450 for my female without papers. I now am having my own litter and I wouldn't sell them for any less than what I paid just cause I know both the dogs' backgrounds and they are well behaved great temperament and a great bloodline there just like my kids.

Answer by laciebrooke
About 50$. Parents have no show title so I would only suggest about 50$ which would be the cost of the shots and so forth. CKC would register pretty much anything…they register designer dogs so that shows you how much they care. Really with only 1 of your dogs being AKC registered you shouldn't even be breeding them.

Answer by JOE E BROWN B
Ok to be honest with you. I would have to check out both parents before I even purchased a boxer. As for papers, papers to me are just papers ( who cares). I would sell them from $ 250.00 to $ 500.00. If someone really wants a dog they will pay. Just make sure they go to really good homes.

Answer by Juan Garcia
Honestly, I believe the price of a boxer pup depends on its features. The whole reason behind even creating a breed is to produce dogs with specific features. The dog’s features are what are judged in the ring, not the pedigree. Buying a pup with a great pedigree is done as an attempt at ensuring the end results (features).

To me, a pup with; a perfect head, black inner eyelids, high knuckles, extra short coat, with minimal whiting is worth +$800.
While the same description but with fancy whiting is worth +$1,200.
However, a boxer pup with; a bulldog head, pink inner eyelids, reg. knuckles, reg. coat and minimal whiting, I would price around $200 (papers or not).

Answer by Summer
Yeah, papers are papers. Definitely make sure they go to good homes. All boxers need to be with a family that will make them part of there family.

Answer by liveyourlife
Assuming that the parents are not shown, have no titles, have no genetic tests completed, and you'll be getting their first vaccinations completed, I'd say $ 50-$ 100 is reasonable or the adoption fee of your local shelter.

Please send each puppy home with a contract stating the puppies are never to be bred, they must be spayed/neutered around 6 months of age, proof must be provided by 7-9 months of age, and if at any time the owner's can't keep the puppy, it goes right back to you.

Answer by Jerry
Don't listen to the people saying $ 50.They just don't want the price of registered dogs from regular breeders going down, plenty of family's don't care about papers, it is important to have those that do but unregistered dogs are just as easy to love. Around here a registered boxer goes between $300 n $600 ..there are exceptions....but I think $150 to $250 is fair, unless it's a special animal such as a rare coat or extra stout in stature. I have seen unregistered boxers go for $350...

The cost of vaccines and deworming. CKC (continental kennel club) papers aren't worth the paper they are printed on, so you are basically saying the puppies are not registered and therefore worth no more than mixed breed puppies.
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