How Much should I Feed my Siberian Husky Puppy?

caboose: how much should I be feeding my Siberian Husky puppy at eight weeks? And how many times a day?
I just got a Siberian Husky puppy, she is eight and a half weeks old, and the bag doesn't seem to be helping too much with the portions of how much to feed her. I don't want to feed her too much or too little. The breeder said to feed her three cups of food throughout the day, but it seems like too much.

siberian husky puppy playing with a toy
Photo Credit: Jeffrey Beall/Flickr CC

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Answer by Oregano13
Feed your Husky puppy three times a day. The amount will vary depending on the food you are giving her. The bag should have a daily amount listed by weight and age. Split it in 3 equal food portions. If she is looking thin, increase the amount, if she's gaining too rapidly, cut back, though at her age chubby is normal and she will be growing rapidly.

Answer by dogluvr61
First-ignore what the bag says–as your dog grows older, if you feed the recommended amount of food on the bag, it can lead to obesity, depending on your dog's metabolism–most dog food manufacturers just want to sell more food—now, your pup should eat a premium large-breed puppy food–the recommended amount for a pup that age is whatever she will eat in 10-15 minutes, 3 times a day—when the pup is about 4 months old, you should bump her down to twice-daily feedings–you CAN start, at that point, with the recommended amount that it says on the bag, but keep a close eye on your pup to make sure she doesn't get too fat, or too skinny–the ideal weight is when you can feel your dog's ribs without much trouble, but you definitely don't want to SEE the ribs sticking out

Answer by jesse s
The vet said if you have a Husky puppy you should feed it like four times a day because it can only eat a little at a time. split it into four small meals a day

Recommended puppy food on Amazon (#ad)


Answer by WhatTheFxUp
What I usually do is feed my dog about 3 times a day. It's difficult to say precisely how much should a Husky puppy eat. I sometimes will wait for the bowl to get empty and just fill it up because they will eat when they are hungry, so they shouldn't overeat.

Answer by Teresa
A Husky puppy should eat depending on how much she weighs…
I'm guessing at this age she's probably less than 15 lbs which she should eat between 1/4 and 1 1/4…
with her being a large breed I would lean towards the 1 1/4 amount….

Answer by no-one
leave the food down the pup will eat when hungry.
slowly put her on hard food, that's better for puppies digestive systems. (i have a 12-week old german shepherd who eats like crazy but dogs know when its enough)

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