How Much should an English Mastiff Weigh (Growth Chart)?

Teko Dd: How much should an English Mastiff weigh at a year old?
I know it matters on their parents but I have a mastiff he's 12 months old around 150 lbs.
How much more is he going to grow? What is the English Mastiff puppy growth chart?

Answers and Views:

Answer by bloomorningglory
Boys can weigh 150-200 pounds. He'll probably continue filling out for a bit yet. Up to 18-24 months.

One-year-old English Mastiff girl sleeping on a couchOne-year-old English Mastiff girl sleeping on a couch
Photo Credit: katedubya/Flickr CC

Answer by moof
There's no way to know. All dogs grow according to individual growth rates, and there can be huge variety among the growth patterns of Mastiffs. Some grow rapidly and their weight hits a plateau at a young age. Some grow slowly until they're four years old. Some have random growth spurts. There's no way to know if your boy will soon hit a plateau and end up being only 175 pounds, if he'll gradually gain weight until he's 220 pounds at age four, or if he'll have unpredictable growth spurts and be, say, 200 pounds. Knowing the growth patterns of his relatives can definitely help to guess your own dog's growth rate, although it isn't a guarantee.

There are a few growth charts for Mastiffs on the internet. They must be taken with a grain of salt because many happy, healthy Mastiffs do not follow them. According to one of them, a twelve-month-old male would be 175 pounds and would be 220 pounds by age five. With that reasoning, your 150-pound boy might be 195 pounds when he's completely done growing.

Anyway, although as you know, this is completely unguaranteed, I think he'll end up around 200 with a ten-pound leeway both ways.

Answer by ArtFl
Here is a good English Mastiff growth chart, composed by Cathy (Catie) Arney of the Kiokee Mastiffs breeders.


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Answer by Dennis Pittman
Our English Mastiff weighs 241lbs and seems to be in great health according to his Vet and his behavior. He is full of energy and loves to play but he also loves to sleep. He is by far our favorite dog we have had over the years. We gave had German shepherds and Rottweilers and Gus is the best behaved and least aggressive but by far the largest. I would recommend a Mastiff to anyone looking for, a dog.

Answer by cheryl
I have a 19-month-old male English Mastiff his last vet visit 1 month ago. He only weighed about 129/130. However, his mom and dad are 2xlg. I'm wondering why is he so small.
Will he get 170/180 and is this not good? On their hips and legs to gain weight. After there over the puppy growth. On my mastiff, you can distinguish his hips to the start of his rib cage long chest, and big blockhead.

My English Mastiff is 196 pounds at almost 12 months, I just did two size calculators on English Mastiffs and they say he’d get to about 226 pounds. One growth chart said also that he was near the top of the weight scale for his bread. Seems that yours is on the lighter end of the scale.
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