How Much should a Male Doberman Weigh at 5 Months?

Q: How much should a male Doberman puppy weigh at 5 months.?
I adopted an abused purebred Doberman puppy, he only weighs 16 pounds and is almost 5 months. He is healthy otherwise but I don't know if he will be a large dobie.
A 5-month-old Doberman Pinscher sleepingA 5-month-old Doberman Pinscher sleeping
Photo Credit: Christine Jump/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Shanna
16 pounds at 5 months? 3-month-old Doberman puppies weigh more than that. Are you sure he's purebred? Or is he very thin? That weight certainly doesn't seem right to me, especially for a male. Do you have a picture of him?

Answer by Mark
My Dobie turned 5 months yesterday. He is 58 pounds.

Answer by Christin
Mine is 60 lbs just under 5 months.

Answer by julie d
I agree with Shanna. This has to be a mix. I have seen some very abused Dobes, but 16 lbs. at 5 months sounds like ready for death. Usually, a Dobe pup will weigh around 10 lbs. (approx.) at 6 weeks old. Much has to do with the bone structure, and females tend to be a little smaller.

The usual weight gain is around 3 lbs. per week, although all pups go through different growth spurts. They could only gain 2 lbs. one week and 5 the next, but the *average* is around 3. So, if you figure a pup is 10 lbs. at 6 weeks (especially a male) and gains 3 lbs. per week…..well, you do the math. If this is the *real deal*, I hope you would be getting some Vet advice on how much to feed this pup, and how often. I'm just in shock. Can you post a picture of this pup?

Answer by go_wild_xoxo
well, mine was at least 30 pounds by then but he was one of the gladiators (big boned) Dobermans. if he looks healthy to you then he probably is but if he looks kinda sick then be sure to take him to the vet.

Answer by DP
Your Doberman is absolutely way too small/underweight... My black FEMALE puppy at 10 weeks of age weighed 21 lbs, her sister was nearly 18 lbs. You should take him to the vet.. Get him on good food.. EXCELLENT food, no crap at all..
Recommended puppy food on Amazon (#ad)

Answer by Saptarshi
I have a puppy of 55 days with his weight 5 kgs… Is it all right…Kindly suggest and comment.

Answer by ArtFl in reply to Saptarshi
If I’m not mistaken, it should be about 9 kg by two months.

Answer by Tara Johnson
We have a 4.5-month-old Doberman male…he is about 50lbs. I cannot imagine 16lbs being healthy at all. Hopefully, everything turned out alright.

Answer by Charbel
I have Caucasian shepherd 5 months old it’s 40 kilos

Answer by Erick farfan
My Doberman is 5 months old and he is 42 pounds. He gains about 3.5 pounds per week. He was 16 lbs when he was 4 weeks
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