How Much Raw Meat should I Feed my Rottweiler?

Q: How much raw meat should I feed my 90-pound rottweiler?
I was just wondering how much raw meat or chicken should I feed my 13-month-old rottweiler per day. Thanks

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Answer by Jenny Manyteeth
To maintain appropriate body weight, about 2% of that body weight. But 13-months is nowhere near full-grown, so you'll need to feed more than that.

Raw dog food packRaw dog food pack
Photo Credit: jimbomack66/Flickr CC

2% of 100 pounds is 2 pounds. Rotts have big jaws; you can feed Large Complicated Meals. Like, feed the dog an entire 7-8 pound roasting chicken, whole. Yes, that's 4 days worth of food. It will take him some time to eat it and he won't be hungry for most of a week.

I have a 52-pound Chow mix; she gets about a half-pound of meat a day because she's lazy and doesn't do much exercise, and I don't want her to get fat. But when I feed chicken, she gets leg quarters (drumstick and thigh still attached to a portion of the spine), and they can weigh as much as 1.25 pounds. So when she gets one, she doesn't eat again for 2-4 days. She's not hungry. Right now, there's a leg quarter out in the yard, because I gave it to her the day after she got one, and she's not hungry yet. She hasn't eaten since Friday; her choice.

The proper raw diet is 70% raw meat, 10% raw bone, 10% raw liver, and 10% other body organs (kidneys, pancreas, lungs and disgusting as it smells, green tripe).

Answer by E. H. Amos
I think it will be around 1 pound. IMO & that of my vet (who advocates raw feeding) you should also include either with the meat or in a separate meal, some green leafy veggies (at least 6-8 oz amount). Examples; chopped spinach, collard greens, mustard greens, broccoli and/or kale. A veggie puree works well or they can be formerly frozen, lightly steamed or fermented. They supply antioxidants, fiber, and many cancer-fighting nutrients, plus they help fill the dog's stomach – if he's used to eating large amounts of kibble.


Answer by randy a
How about you just use dog food instead and not take the chance of him eating anything else you know like yourself lol

You may also like:  How to Provide Your Dog with a Balanced Raw Diet

Answer by suzy49
Ideally, you want to be feeding your dog raw food that is about 2% – 3% of his total body weight, per day. The ratio of bone to meat should be 1:1 (so you basically want the same amount of meat as a bone. A huge bone with only a little bit of meat isn't the way to go!).

You'll also want to include some other ingredients in a raw food diet for dogs, such as organ meat, vegetables, and possibly supplements. Feeding raw can be great, but you need to do some research and carefully plan his diet so that he gets all the nutrients he needs. Rottweilers grow very quickly and have very specific dietary requirements so make sure you get the balance right.

Best of luck with your pup.
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