How Much to Pay for a Purebred Irish Wolfhound? (20 answers)

mandy: How much would one expect to pay for a purebred Irish Wolfhound?
I think Irish Wolfhounds are a beautiful breed of dog. Knowing full and well the PBs are expensive, I was curious as to HOW expensive an Irish wolfhound would be.

I figure that since they are so uncommon their price tag (if you can call it that) would be through the roof. Either way, please, someone indulge my curiosity.

Irish Wolfhound and Great Dane puppy playingIrish Wolfhound and Great Dane puppy playing

Answers and Views:

Answer by Meggy Jo
Beautiful dogs! Also very expensive!
I would expect to pay $ 1000-$ 2500 for a good, well-bred puppy.

Answer by IW People
You can find the puppy mill variety for approx 900-2000 in the U.S. You can expect things like bad bites, & poor conformation, but a lot of love from these dogs.

From a reputable breeder don't expect to pay less than $ 1800 and it goes up from there. It truly depends on how good the breeder is, and where they are located.
Because of the significant health concerns associated with giant breeds, a good pup will have a pedigree full of dogs that show well (lots of champions) with full health checks and screenings done down through the generations.

The breeder will always have a contract with you, they will always stipulate that if for any reason you cannot keep the dog you will return it to them, and they most likely remain on the papers as a co-owner.
And they won't just sell you a puppy. They almost always have a waiting list of pre-approved homes well before the litter is born.

So first step is to start contacting breeders and asking to visit their kennel. Get to know some and listen. You will learn a lot and you need to if you have never owned the breed before. If you find a breeder that will just sell/ship you a puppy… beware. You could be in for a dog that will make $ 2000 look like a drop in the bucket for healthcare.
I would always recommend that IW owners carry health insurance on their dogs.

You can't get IW's from shelters anyway. Sometimes mixes. But the official breed rescue groups are very aggressive about taking custody of purebreds and making sure they get into home, experienced with the breed. And once again, there is always a waiting list.

And one more thing. Start saving for the next one immediately. People just don't own one Irish Wolfhound.

Good Luck. They are absolutely the sweetest dogs on the planet.

Answer by Napalm
Expect to pay a lot for a clean breed of dog. Around 1K USD.

Answer by moof
A very well-bred any breed puppy usually costs between $ 1,200 and $ 1,500. Given the wolfhound's rarity, I'd guess that a good pup would cost a minimum of $ 1,200 and as much as $ 2,200.

Answer by Elena
They certainly are adorable dogs, despite their massive size. You should e-mail or call a few breeders, if not meet a few, and take a look at their dogs. They can tell you the upsides, downsides, and what it's like living with HUGE dogs. Remember they are not for everyone!

A reputable breeder will never sell a puppy before 8 weeks of age. Most will sell at 8 weeks but with certain breeds, it's best to leave them until 10 weeks old. A puppy from a reputable and registered breeder will cost $ 1,800 for a pet and usually over $ 2,500 for show quality.

Answer by Dreamer
I'd guess at least $ 1200-$ 2000 in this area… they're pretty hard to find.

Answer by oh wee babee
The ones I have seen go from 1,500 dollars and up.
I would pay good money for a good dog. But then again shelter dogs need help!


Answer by chetco
Likely, about $ 2,000. However, no reputable breeder will sell you an Irish Wolfhound before it is 11-12 weeks old.

If you live within driving distance of California, this organization has a few I.W's now, and get more occasionally

Answer by vahl0426
They are beautiful dogs but they aren't for everyone. I would suggest visiting a breeder and finding out the pros and cons of being the owner of such a dog…they will tell you the truth and then you can decide if they're really for you.

I would recommend getting a puppy from 8-9 weeks old, the longer they're with their mother, the more they learn and the more they're socialized with the rest of the litter.
good luck!

Rumble Video: Irish Wolfhounds Are the Tallest Dogs

Answer by Napalm
However, you could consider a rescue... the adoption fee will be a LOT less than that, especially if you are willing to adopt an adult.
Here is the official breed club rescue organizations for wolfhounds:

Answer by Smith
The average cost for an Irish Wolfhound ranges from $1,500 to $3,000. This will cover the cost of the puppy and things like shots and spaying/neutering. It can also include kenneling or boarding while you wait for your pup to be ready for adoption.

Answer by llc
Irish Wolfhounds are typically expensive dogs to buy and care for. They need a lot of space to run around in and they need to be walked regularly. Their diet is also high in calories and they need a lot of food. This breed is not for everyone, but if you can afford one, then they will provide you with years of companionship and love.

This price goes up if you want an Irish Wolfhound from a reputable breeder because they tend to charge more than pet stores do. But, it's worth it when you think about how much healthier your dog will be in comparison.

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Answer by di_cassano
ranging from $ 1000 to $ 2000

Answer by Sour Not Sweet
For good lineage? about $ 2000.

Answer by GiNa
The minimum price for an Irish Wolfhound would be about $ 800, but they can be over $ 1,700. Get the Wolfhound! Those are my favorite kind of dogs!

Answer by Jo
Irish wolfhounds aren't very common so they cost more, the price usually depends on the breeder but you should be expecting to pay over 1000 dollars or more for her.

Answer by Karens BCs
y friend paid £900 for hers about three years ago.

Answer by Annie
Around here about $ 2,000 from a good breeder. They are wonderful dogs!

Answer by Char
900-1500 bucks

Answer by barens
The average price depends on the breeder. A reputable breeder will sell their puppies for around $1500 USD or more. Prices may vary depending on the purebred status, location, age, etc.
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