Jean-Francois: How much is a purebred German Shepherd puppy without papers worth?
The guy says the puppy's parents have papers and is trying to sell it for $ 300 without papers. I'm guessing it's a rip-off.
Photo Credit: blumenbiene/Flickr CC
Answers and Views:
Answer by ♦Dalmatian Appreciation♦
Without legit kennel club papers itself, there's no proof the pup is purebred.
So yes, I'd say max $ 100
Answer by Carrie
Papers or no papers you have to take into consideration that these puppies and mom cost a lot to feed and care for before being ready for homes. Our nonpaper German shepherd just had 12, her 1st litter of no papers German shepherd pups. $100 more than regular food in 1 week because of nursing to be continued. You can visually see the traits. $250 an average Shepherd pup with no papers is basically a free puppy to the owner of the pups. In addition to that if someone can’t afford that they can’t afford what a dog that size takes to care for. That’s the natural selection of people making poor decisions in my opinion. I do suggest making sure vaccinations are given before buying the puppy.
Answer by JTP
Actually, that is a great price! I would even say that's pretty cheap, especially since it's a German Shepherd.
Answer by SuperGirl
It doesn't matter if the parents have papers. Parents with papers should have puppies that have papers as well. It should be no more than $ 150 without papers.

Answer by Janella
Way too much for an unpapered puppy. I'm also guessing mom and dad don't really have papers either, because papers come to puppies with papered parents.
Answer by Kayleigh
Let me explain what happened to us. We bought a purebred German Shepherd from an AKC breeder. both parents were registered and had papers. I was young at the time and didn't realize what "limited" rights were. This means the woman who sold me my puppy would not give me the right to register my purebred GSD as a purebred GSD unless I got her spayed.
We bought her with the intention of eventually breeding and keeping some puppies for ourselves but also selling a few. I would be breeding my dog with a purebred GSD who is registered, but since I cannot register my dog due to this lady's way of giving me limited rights I would not be able to register the pups either. even though they would be purebred.
Now, if you can get papers showing the mother's parents were registered and the dog bred with the mother was registered then $300 would be a steal. I paid $950 for my dog which was pretty much a rip off since I can't even register her or her pups
Answer by Inri
Ok, first of all, ask the guy to show you the parents' papers. If he does and puppies don’t have papers that just means that he did not register the litter. Now if he gives you the dog with no papers and parents, in fact, do have papers then I think that is a very good price considering that it’s a German Shepherd.BUT a dog with no papers should not be bought for more than 250$ at most even if parents have papers. But if he proves parents do have papers I’d say go for it and buy the puppy.
Answer by Brittany
I found my female on the side of the road out by Fort Bragg in North Carolina. She is our rescue dog. I got a blood test done that shows she is a purebred German Shepherd, but there is no way of knowing whether she was registered or not. We are going to breed her with one of my friend's purebred German Shepherd males. I was thinking of selling the puppies for around 300, which is about 1,500 dollars cheaper than what they are selling registered puppies for in this area.
- How much should a full-blooded German Shepherd puppy cost?
- How do you get rid of the german shepherd dog's odor?
- How to make my German shepherd aggressive to strangers?
- Russian German Shepherd
Answer by Leigh
A German Shepherd without papers is 100% guaranteed to have been bred by someone who is NOT a responsible breeder. With all the hip problems in this breed, to purchase one from any but the best breeders are asking for huge vet bills and lots of heartaches. Don’t do it.
Buy from a breeder with PROOF of health testing and PROOF of good hips, hearts, and eyes on the parents.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Jim Branam says
I have 5 pure bred german shepherd pups for sale i only have moms akc papers ,the idiot i got the sire from forgot to well nevermind that my pups are definetly pure bred , i have both parents , dame is a white GSD sire is a bi colored GSD ,I only bred them to have a couple for myself , but all pups are vet checked have been dewormed and are current on their vaccinations . I only feed them iams puppy food ,i guess you could just say ive come too love them all dearly and will miss them when they go .with that,i cant accept less than $ 600.00 each . i know personally they come from a wonderful bloodline ,so if intrested my number is 937-504-3659
Carrie says
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Rita says
I have a full blooded 8 year old GSD that I never registered with the AKC because I do not have breeding rights and I have a female pup who is 9 months old and can be registered CKC. If I breed them next year, can the litter be registered and with whom? I’ve read not AKC because Mom would be CKC or CKC because both are not registered CKC. Any advice? How much should I ask for the pups. We only are going to do two litters because we want a couple of pups from our 8 year old GSD. Also, he has never had hip problems.
Mark says
To register the litter with CKC, both the sire and the dam must be CKC registered if they are owned by the breeder of the litter. At the moment only the mother can get CKC registration whereas the father doesn’t have any papers. As for selling the puppies, no one can say what the situation will be a year from now.
Kristen says
I have two German Shepherds and they had puppies I sold them for $180 Each with no Vaccines at 8 Week’s…My number and email have been the same ever since I was 15 and I’m 27 and Never once did I ever get a conplaint about my puppies I sold to them…We spend a lot of Time and food on puppies be nice to get something in return…Now I’ve sold them for $300 before wirh Vaccines but I decided not too this time…Because people are cheap and try to still LowBall me.Soo that price isn’t bad
mike says
do u still sell gs pups looking 4 a male not nutered and will at about 18 mo. mike 406 888 5055
Lovely says
How much can you sell German shepherd puppies for both parents are German shepherd but only mom has her AKC papers..
Naff says
Mixed breed pittbulls are selling for more than 200 dollars and you’re dying you can find a GSD pup for 100!! Lol definitely not in Florida, the cheapest I’ve seen with no papers is bout a 1000 up to 3500
David Volleberg says
I have raised and trained shepards for 14 years. Many have gone to police depts, fire depts and Search and Rescue teams. Recently, a neighbor of ours is selling his non akc litter and asking 600 per pup. The parents arent AKC but from experience i dont recommend paying more than 100 for a pup as the bloodline cant be confirmed. In ky opinion, a shep pup without papers are a ‘mut’ regardless of the identifying marks proving its purebred. Dont pay more than 100 for a non AKC pup.
RussianDog says
Thank you for your comment. We’ve published it on our Facebook page
Todd says
I bought 2 female German Shepherd puppies that were from the same litter. I paid $600 a piece for them without papers. They had 10 puppies and had way more people interested than they had pups. They were all sold before they were 5 weeks old and had a list of names for the next litter. I think $300 a puppy is a really good price. They probably had $100 in vet bills.
MASON says
I agree, very good answer, I just bought one(German shepherd), a male with no papers, for $600, darker black, and oh my god, darker red, with huge bone structure/ fluffy hair) . Mom and dad on premises, such beautiful black/red, with no papers.
In past I bought 3 with papers, SO WHAT, did not mean a thing. Fact is one with papers, the breeder shows hip normal, after I bought it was switched to not normal. Meaning, I don’t trust any papers what so ever. This dog is going be a very high quality pure bread in my eyes, like owner said.
MASON says
Regardless of experience for 14 years, I don’t and don’t agree with it, papers does not mean a thing, in past, some breeders they fake there family tree backgrounds, I have seen tit happens. So regardless , your 14 years experience should tell you something, about the dog you buying. WITH ALL DUE RESPECT!
Chris says
i have 2 female gsd and i want to make some cash selling puppies they come from good parents both of them but neither of them have any paperwork on them i wont have any problem selling the pups already got a few sold but my question is this can i get any kind of papers on my dogs if their parents do not have papers
RussianDog says
Take a look at these discussions:
Can I get my dog papered if her parents didn’t have any?
How do I Register a Dog Without Papers?
Joel says
My Juno was from an accidental litter, not from any breeder but from a friend who owns the mom, mom and dad are both PB Shepherd’s but as someone else mentioned, mom is NOT papered because she was supposed to be spayed at the request of the breeder, we payed $800 for her no papers and she’s the best dog ever.. looking bad I’d probably have paid more
Angie says
Non papered gsd are just a good as AKC . If you know the breeder & have watched their other Litters it’s fine . How dare someone say just because the parents aren’t AKC… the breeder doesn’t know what they are doing !??? That is not true. Also my pups go for 800 easy sometimes more because of my great non AKC breeding??? Seems to me papers only make a difference with money $1500- & higher for a papered dog that will do the same as a non papered reputual breeder. You can be reputable without being AKC ….. That statement sounds so ignorant!!! Especially when you have the parents and grandparents on site !!!
Manjot says
I have a german shepherd. He is very friendly at strangers and never bark on them. He let them pet him. What should I do to make him aggressive towards strangers?
RussianDog says
Please view our post
MASON says
Don’t, I wish mine was like that. every time I walk anywhere ,very imperiling, keep on barking, and wants to bite and jump. Cost me a headrace in every walk. I tried sending him to school, they wanted 4000 not to make him as aggressive, so lucky you, keep him like that, trust me.
Huedawg says
I have a full blooded german shepherd puppy, maybe 8 or 9 months old, and i would like 2 breed her, but I don’t want her 2 be breeded with just some mutt, should i ask for papers??
tommy says
yes you should
Kayleigh says
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Ven says
Answer by Leigh
A German Shepherd without papers is 100% guaranteed to have been bred by someone who is NOT a responsible breeder. With all the hip problems in this breed, to purchase one from any but the best breeders is asking for huge vet bills and lots of heartache. Don’t do it. Buy from a breeder with PROOF of health testing and PROOF of good hips, hearts, and eyes on the parents.
As long as they have OFA certification. I purchased two German Shepherd puppies for a breeder that sells one to two litters per year without registration for tax reasons. I saw their set up, the parents, AKC papers on them, as well as the OFA certification. My puppies aren’t registered, and the price I paid reflected that.
My dogs have been tested for >24month hip and elbow and are healthy pups. I agree with your general rule of thumb. If something sounds to good to be true it usually is, but with a little common sense and research you can quickly eliminate the scam artists.
Ven says
The puppies were $250, but sense I was taking two and keeping them together… was able to get them for $225. If OFA certification can be proven than $300 is a fair price for a full blooded healthy German Shepherd puppies that isn’t registered with one of the clubs…
Kat says
We are also looking into getting another GSD and a women has a little of puppies. She said the dad is ckc registered, and the mom has no papers what so ever. She’s charging $300. I feel like that’s to much for a puppy with no proof other than seeing the parents… Sucks because we fell in love with her male puppy. But, she $300 firm. No thank you.
zak says
lol its a german shepherd… i dont need someone to tell me my german sheppherd is a pure bread lol but do what you want… $300 for a german shepherd pup is a steal as long as u don’t think you can breed them later
Michael says
I better answer this question Jean-Francois before I pop out to work :( A purebred German Shepherd Dog puppy with AKC papers runs about $ 1,800. $ 300 without papers is very cheap! I hope this answers your question.
Ocimom says
The cost of first shots, worming and a vet visit – about $ 50. Most likely the “papers’ are from one of the bogus/fake registries like APRI or Continental KC.
Horse Lover says
That is the going price for unregistered shepherds in my area.
Bonnie says
I don’t support scumbags. If I want a dog, without legit kennel club papers, I go to the local shelter and adopt.