How Much Food and How Often to Feed a Weimaraner Puppy?

Q: We've just bought a 9-week-old Weimaraner puppy. How much food and how often should we feed him? 
What is a Weimaraner feeding chart? It's is not our first dog but we are new with this breed.
Young blue eyed Weimaraner puppy lying in his bedYoung blue eyed Weimaraner puppy lying in his bed
Photo Credit: Renee V/Flickr CC

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Answer by k
Congrats on the new puppy! Weimaraners are great, although high energy and can be high maintenance at times.

while your puppy is still young he should be eating three or four times a day. I know lots of people say they free-feed their dogs and it works for them, but weims are prone to bloat and are also prone to packing on the pounds if you are not careful and depending on what kind of food he's on. I would absolutely recommend AGAINST free-feeding.

As he gets older, you should feed just twice a day. Also, they should be fed off the ground, this aids in the digestion and may help prevent bloat. Another thing that I would recommend is to mix a little warm water with the dry food, sometimes they like it better and it also helps with the digestion and may help prevent bloat.

If you're unsure of the amount, you can talk to your vet and get a recommendation, it sometimes depends on the type of food you're feeding as well as the age and energy requirement of your dog.

As the owner of Weimaraners, I would also recommend crate training, it's much easier for potty-training and makes leaving them along less stressful for you and for the puppy.

Answer by Aditya
Well, Weimaraner puppies should be fed 4-5 times in a day with small quantity every time. As this is the growing age of your puppy his routine would be eating, sleeping and shitting. just love him very much. Give him lots of milk, curd. Bring him a tether for his teeth's. Avoid too much non-veg just give little to him to develop the taste.

I hope you utilize the above tips and your puppy grow big and healthy. Good luck.

Answer by tlctreecare
Weims are wonderful dogs I have two.
We free feed our pups it makes house training harder because you have to watch them but is healthier for the pups because they eat smaller meals more often.

Weimaraners can get bloat and you have to be careful not to feed big meals and then run them.
As pups, you can feed 4 times per day and let them have the food for about 20 minutes take up whatever they have not eaten and feed more again later.

Recommended large breed puppy food on Amazon (#ad)


I let them eat as much as they want in the 20 minutes.
I feed only very high quality dry large breed puppy for the first 8-9 months then go over to dry adult food.
Have fun with your new Puppy.

Answer by Dog_trainer
Weimaraner? Good luck - they are a challenge and they need a LOT of exercises! Hope you're using a crate? These dogs are prone to separation anxiety and I've seen them chew a house apart and jump through plate glass windows.

Feeding? Three times a day now, twice a day when he's full grown. This breed is prone to bloat, which is a fatal condition caused by genetics and exercise or excitement on a stomach full of food or water. The amount of food depends on the brand and calorie count. (I prefer Nutro.) Probably feed a little LESS than the bag recommends - their amounts are based on dogs running back and forth in kennels.

You should begin obedience training immediately. Don't listen to people who tell you that you have to wait until they are six months old - by then it's way too late. (Would you send your child off to his first day of school when he's 13??)

Buy and read "What All Good Dogs Should Know" by Jack Volhard. And "Good Owners, Great Dogs" by Brian Kilcommins. You can get them on Amazon (#ad). Watch Cesar Millan - The Dog Whisperer if you get the National Geographic Channel. He's the best trainer I've ever seen on tv. He's also got a book out - "Cesar's Way".

Answer by gizmo_dv8
5% of its body weight 4 times a day
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