How much Exercise can a Pug Handle in Houston?

kimkim: How much exercise can a Pug handle?
I want to get a Pug and I live in Houston. It gets hot and humid in the summer. I just wanted to know how much walking can they do. The walks would usually be in the evening when it cools down. Can they handle a mile walk?
Pug dog ExercisePug dog Exercise
Photo Credit: Kristin "Shoe" Shoemaker/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by greg 57
Pugs are very hardy little dogs and as long as they are eating a proper diet and not overweight they can walk farther than a mile no problem. Remember this is a dog, not a human, and even little dogs are very hardy. If it is hot just remember to bring some water and make sure that he has had a good drink before you go out.

Answer by Joyce
I live in Houston Texas and I have a year old male Pug who fast walk / slow jogs 1.5 miles with me 2-3 times a week. He is lean and currently weighs about 18 lbs. We go after I get off work as the sun is going down. About halfway through we stop for a couple of minutes to make sure he doesn’t overheat and then finish our path which takes between 20-25 minutes from start to finish. We get home and he is running around like a crazy pug trying to play while I finish my exercise.

Answer by Clara McGonigle
I have a VERY ACTIVE 9-year old pug. I have had him since he was 2 months old and he loves to walk, run, and hike! He just jogged 3 miles alongside me today! He loves to hike… I call him the “mountain pug”. I am cautious of temperature, as I do not bring him long distances when it is above 85ish!

Answer by Nicole K
My Pug LOVES and I mean LOVES to walk.
A lot depends on their weight. An obese or overweight Pug won't be able to handle the mile walk like a normal weight Pug would.
I have tried taking my Pug on a 2-mile walk around one of our local parks, and about halfway through he tires out to the point where he needs to be carried part of the way. Pretty much we walk about 1/4 to 1/2 mile daily, and by the end, he is panting and slowing down.

Here is my best advice. Talk to your vet (especially if your Pug is overweight or obese), and go from there. Doing the walks during the cool of the evening is much better than in the heat of the day. Pugs are susceptible to heatstroke and other odd respiratory things because they have short pallets.

Please carry water with you so they can get a drink part of the way through. There are cute little doggie water bottles for the pup on the go.
Good Luck, Keep Us Posted, and LOVE YOUR PUG!!!!!!

Answer by spicycatII
PUGS ARE NOT COUCH POTATOES!!!! They are extremely energetic. Pugs have a lot of breathing problems, and they do not do well in the heat. My pug is almost 2 years old, when the weather is nice (not too warm) he will run like a maniac for hours. I take him hiking with me…. well, I hike he runs… for every mile I walk he probably runs 3. When we took him hiking last summer, he wanted to run but the heat was too much for him, and he got quite thirsty. it was around 75-80 degrees, and we are in Arizona in the mountains, so it is dry. If it is nice and cool, and you have water for him to drink, it should be ok, pugs are very energetic.

You guys should see my dog run!!! That boy can move…. and I mean fast. He will run for hours if you let him. When I take him for a walk, and there is an open field…. he will fly around like a maniac. I am serious, I take him hiking with me, I walked a four-mile hike, he runs back and forth to check on me… it's gotta add up to at least 8 miles his way.
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